Pour Another Glass While I Watch The Bottle Disappear

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**** This little story here, is my very first work with our guys around Take That. ****

I know you heard my cry for help
I know you heard I was going through hell
I know you heard I was losing my mind
I know you heard it was a matter of time
I know you heard...

A doorbell rang. After the bright tone finally came to an end, a man stepped slowly to the front door to open it comfortably. In any case, he was not in a hurry. Why should he, if he didn't expect anyone at this late hour? So, he felt no desire to receive any visitors. Nevertheless, he had to keep the courtesy and at least to see who wanted what from him. In addition, there were only a few certain people who were allowed to enter their property without permission, so they were allowed to go up. So the list of possible visitors was quite short.

As he opened the door, he was already looking into the face of a tall man.

"Hey, Gaz. What is the condition?" He greeted him with an exceedingly wide grin.

Gary Barlow, the former member and the first voice of the legendary boy band Take That, was not very impressed by who his visitor was. Before him stood a good friend of his, whom he had not seen for a long time. His former Take That colleague Howard Donald.

"Howard? What ...what are you doing here? I thought you were in Germany." Gary had his disbelief speak for him.

"Cannot I even visit a good mate?" Howard could only ask.

"Naturally. ...Come on in." Gary offered him to enter.

Of course, Howard did not let this happen twice, and so he accepted Gary's offer by stepping across the threshold.

"What about the sunglasses? The sun has been saying goodbye for some time. ...Are you on drug or are you among the vampires lately?" Gary wanted to know right away what it was with these sunglasses.

"Neither yet. I just thought about it, ...make a cool one," Howard explained.

To the comment, Gary had only to shake his head and couldn't resist a slight grin. Typical Howard. He was also never a loose slogan and always considered the cool in the band. The dreadlocks, which he had worn at the end of their time together, had been more decisive. But now, like other normal men, he had a short haircut and he thought he was much better. But the present hairstyle already had something. After Howard had settled on a fairly big couch, he also asked Gary about what had happened to him.

"Not much. Everything is the same," Gary said only monotonously, dropped into a sofa and looked into the emptiness.

While Howard was watching him, he realized that his mate was suddenly so absent. As if he were in a completely different world, where he was stuck in a dark abyssed hole, from where he no longer seemed to get out alone.

"Is everything all right with you, Gaz?" Howard, after a minute, dared to take a very cautious attempt to ask Gary openly whether everything was in order.

But Gary didn't answer at once. He simply stared into the void and seemed to be stuck with the thoughts somewhere. Of course nothing was right. How should he, if Gary really put in a hole. As it looked, he would spend his remaining life in this hole. An eternally damn hole, that consisted only of humiliation, self-doubt, shame, stagnation, failure and mockery. There was no escape. The last few years since the break-up of Take That had left their mark on Gary. ...Gary felt like a Nobody!

"Gary?" Howard tried once again to gain Gary's attention and looked at him with deep cares.

Shortly afterwards, Gary rejoiced again and spoke more casually that everything was all right. ...Great, now he had denied himself. This was the biggest lie he'd pronounced for a long time. But what should he do? He couldn't just swallow the whole thing, just as if nothing had happened. All the stories the press had written about him had made him really depressed. His self-esteem was at a low point and accordingly he was no longer in the public eye.

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