III: No Answers

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"Where were you yesterday?" I question my best friend, although it sounded more like an interrogation. She never showed up during Kyungsoo's practice even when she clearly stated that she'd go to make fun of his pitch. Admittedly, Kyungsoo's pitch is a little weak and girly, but nothing like a little practice can help.

"I'm sorry! I had something urgent to do. It's school related so I couldn't just let it slip." she reasons.

I don't ever push the topic whenever she use the words as vague as 'something' and 'school related' even if I'm dead curious. I know that she will just come up with an excuse or change the topic to avoid whatever it is that she chooses not to tell me. It's not my place to ask anyway. I do the same thing to her without her even knowing it.

Jaeyi and I are walking to our next class: English. Our school doesn't really have a lot of students unlike other schools where it's cramped and crowded. Per class, there are about twenty students each. That's pretty normal since not a lot of individuals can afford to go here, and even if they can, grades must be maintained and it is hard for others.

We turn left in the hall and just at the second last classroom on the right side of the hall is our English class. Jaeyi nudges my elbow, and I look at her in response. "Hmm?"

With her eyes, she beckons me to look straight ahead. I follow her gaze, following the direction of the sound coming from a group of clamoring boys ahead.

"You threw like a girl!" the tallest one among them, teases whom I assume is Kyungsoo. He did threw like a girl back there. I only know them by names, not so good with matching it with their faces.

Another one of them speaks, the smart-looking one, to defend Kyungsoo. "I'm sure he was just nervous with all the girls watching." Then he winks at Kyungsoo with a radiant smile, swinging his arm playfully around his shoulder.

The giant rolls his eyes. Chanyeolㅡwho I think is his nameㅡscoffs at this. "C'mon Suho, don't act like a hero. You were the one who initiated it. We wouldn't even know he threw like one if you didn't scream it first."

Kyungsoo shoots daggers in Suho's direction and the others laugh at this. I have to purse my lips to conceal my own laughter as well. While I surreptitiously listen to their amusing conversation, my eyes are looking down and casually glancing straight ahead. With each step, both Kyungsoo's group, and my best friend and I are getting closer and their voices becomes more distinct and clear. Jaeyi and I are about to walk pass them, but my eyes are searching for somethingㅡsomeone. There are two lines and he is not in the first one. Just then, a familiar face emerges behind Chanyeol. Just the person I'm looking for. Sehun is walking beside his friends: the smart-looking one (he was pushed behind by none other than Kyungsoo), and another one who is baby-faced. He is close to Kyungsoo's height, emphasizing Sehun's lankiness. They are cracking up about something I don't know what. Before my best friend and I surpass them, Kyungsoo spots us.Waving, he exclaims. "Hey guys!" Even with a close distance, just a normal volume of voice would suffice for us to hear. His friends slows down on their track and eventually stops. They averts their gazes from one another and decides to look at us. And just like that, we halt our steps in the hallway as well.

The attention of these six boys is making me feel uncomfortable. "Hey," I greet him weakly, smiling a little.

"Hi!" Jaeyi copies the same tone and volume as Kyungsoo did, waving her hand as well. "Hey, I'm sorry I couldn't make it yesterday!"

Kyungsoo waves her apology off like it is no big deal, even though it kind of is since he wanted us to be there for his first practice as an official team member of the baseball team. "Nah, it's alright. There's always next time."

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