Its time

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"Ethan!" Rebecca yells from down stairs, "it's time." I drop my tooth brush from my mouth instantly. Spitting into the sink quickly and messily, pieces of spit splattering against the sink and Mirror. I wipe off my mouth with the back of my hand, the mere thought of rising the minty toothpaste from my mouth never reaching my brain.

I run down the stair quickly, taking two or three stairs at a time. My brain rushing too quickly, I bump into the wall as I turn the corner. I finally arrive to the kitchen to see Rebecca sitting in a chair, clutching her stomach. She nods at me, then starts to stand up. "The bag," I whisper. "I forgot the bag." I say aloud to Rebecca as I pivot around and charge up the stairs. I grab the big black bag, quickly fumbling it over my shoulder; then running back down stairs, banging the bag against the wall multiple times.

"Lets go." I smile ear to ear, looking the love of my life in the eyes. She once again stands from her chair, I rush to her; looping my arm around her waist in case she needs help on the way to the car. I helped her down the small steps of our front 'porch' (which is more like a tall slap of cement only big enough for about three adults on, until someone opens the door, then no one can fit except the person/people walking out.)

We cut through the grass to our SUV that we had bought a while ago in preparation for this day. Cutting through the grass is tricky, there are a lot of holes, and I always seem to hit them. I watch carefully, as to not let Rebecca fall (I would never want her to fall —no matter how funny that may be— but especially not at a time like this). We finally get in the car, and are off. This is it, it's the last time I will ever just be a husband, I'm also a dad.


I walk out of the small hospital room where I had just met my daughter, the light if my life (along with Becca).

"Guys, come meet our daughter." I say as Aaron, Grayson, Jack, Olivia, my parents, and Lilly stand. I notice Jack and Becca's mom had never shown up, nothing new. I walk them in to the room, as they all greet and congratulate us.

"Have you decided a name?" Olivia asks.


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