Chapter 2

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I open the door to see the same guy that I ran into. I went red in the face. He was gorgeous. He had brown messy hair and dark brown eyes. He was wearing a blue tee shirt and black jeans. Oh my god I could eat him up. 

"Hey, sorry I spilt my coffee over you. And also for everyone laughing. I feel like a dick. I am re-"  He said to me. I cut him off.

"Don't worry about it. I'm Hazel by the way, and you are?" I said to him. 

"Liam, Nice name." He said to me with a smirk. I couldn't help but blush. 

Suddenly we here guys laughing comming around the corner. Liam looks at me and pushes me in the door and he comes along too. I fall onto my bed and he slams the door and locks it. I seem kind scared. 

"W-whats going on?" I say to him really neverously. Is he gunna do what I think he's gunna do? 

"Sorry about that, its just there my four bestfriends and they think I'm hooked up with this girl. To be honest, I haven't done it yet.." He says to me in shame. I havent either, so that's probably uncool around here. 

"That's okay, just what if they see you come out of my room and see me?" I say to him with a scared look on my face. I didn't want to be the girl that was the one who Liam banged! 

"It's okay, they wont see  you, so do you wanna go to the party tomorrow night? It's in my mates dorm?" He asked me. Did I really want to go to a party? I only person I really knew was Maja? And you could say I sorta know Liam? But, theres beer and shit at a party. I have never drank before, ever! Without realising, I say yes and he says him and his mate will be around for me at 9. I'm such an idiot..

It was now 10:00pm and I decide to get into my usual pjyamas, just a old over-sized t-shirt and a pair of boxers. Yes that probably sounds weird, but I buy boy boxers and sleep in them, THERE SO COSY!! Anyway after I change, I go on my laptop and log onto my facebook. I see I have a friend request from Liam, and ofcourse I expect. I quickly message Renée before logging off and shutting down the laptop. As soon as I put my laptop away, I lay in my bed. I think about, and then France. It's so different, but then it's not really. Just thinking of all the stuff you can get bck home, that you can't get here. I miss home, I miss walking into my house and seeing my mum in the kitchen. I miss runing up the stairs and into my room. I miss hopping on the bus and sitting with all my friends. I miss having my mum around all the time. I start to realise that i'm over thinking again, which I do alot, so I turn off the light and go to sleep.

*The Next Day*

I wake up and see that It's 8:00 and I have 2 hours before classes start. I simply put on my jeans, a nice blue blouse and my white vans. I tie my hair up in a messy bun and head down for breakfast. When I get down there, I see Maja sitting at a table, so after I get my breakfast, I go sit beside her. I scared her at first but then we just started talking about stuff. She told me she was polish and she has a boyfriend called Dean. I thought that was cute. She asked about me and theres not that much, only that I'm from France and I'm single? After breakfast we both headed to our lockers. I had Sports while she had art, so we went our separate was and said goodbye. When I was in the sports hall, I waited for miss to announce what we were doing today. She said we were going to play vollyball. I was thrilled. I  loved vollyball, and not to sound cocky, but I was pretty good at it. As miss put us in our teams, I noticed that there was this curly head stairing at me. He was cute. He wore a black tee shirt and skinny jeans. They were so skinny I could nearly see passed them. He also wore a white pair of converse. He was so concentrated on us, his elbows resting on his thighs, his head then on his hand, his body pushed forward a bit. Well i'm not surprise he looked at us this way, our shorts were, lets just say a tad bit shorter then I expected. As he noticed that I was looking at him, hhe gave me a smirk and a hand gesture. I felt so special. As the match went on, My team was winning 10-8 and we had 2 mins left. I wanted to be winners so as the ball came charging towards me, i smacked it so hard it pounded onto the ground on the oppisite side, giveing us another point. We finally won but I think my hand was swollen. Miss told me to go to the office, and so I did. As I was on my way, I seen Liam in my tracks. He stopped me. 

"Are you okay? What happened to your hand?" He asked me, he seemed really concerend.

"Oh just PE. I'm going to the office, wanna come? It will get you out of the start of History?" I said with a wink. 

"Yea sure, why not!" He replied as we walked to the office.

When we got into the office, miss just said to put ice on it and it will cool down. As we got back to History, Sir wanted to know where we were, and we explained. He shook his head and gestured us to sit down. I sat beside Maja, and Liam sat beside this blonde dude at the back. 

"Omg, are you okay?? What happened?!?!" Maja asked me in complete shock. 

"Calm down, just PE, Hopefully it wont be as sore for the party tonight. Are you going?" I asked her. Her face became more of a disapointment.

"Naa, no one to go with..." She replied to me, well I didn't really have anyone to go with either..

"Hey, wanna come with me? I'll have to ask Liam but I'm sure he wont mind?" I ask her again. I hope she says yes..

"Definatly!" she replies, we both laugh and the bell rings. We both go to the lockers and get ready to go back to the dorms. 

As I'm at my locker, I see Liam and his bblonde friend walk towards me. His friends head is lookig at the ground. 

"Hey, you still coming to the party, after, yah know, your hand?" Liam asks he as he nervously scratchs the back of his neck. 

"Hell yea! just one thing, can Maja come?" I ask. I feel bad..

"Course, well we will see you at 8. Oh and this is Niall, He is shy around pretty girls." Liam says and Niall lifts his head.

Niall gives a little chuckle and smirks. He is goregous. His blue eyes are just adorable, and the way his hair sits its aww! And his cute little smile is just perfection. As they walk away I go over to Maja and tell her she can come. We go back to my place and start to get ready. We look amazing. I'm wearing a black boob tube dress and the top half is gold, my black killers and nice touch of makeup. Maja is a blue, skinny short glittered dress and, again,a touch of make up. The boys get here early so we decide too take long shots. When its about 10 past 9, we head down the stairs and into the dorm. It's super loud and packed. Liam tells Niall to grab hold off my hand and I grab Maja's, so we dont lose eachother. When we stop walking, I am greeted by 4 other guys, one I'm assuming is Dean because as soon as Maja saw him, she went over and kissed him. The other three were probably Liam's other friends. The curly head was there from my PE setion. Liam introduces me and then takes me into the kitchen. He hands me a red cup, filled with beer. The smell is roten. Liam noticed my facial expression and took it off me. He got a clean cup and filled it with water. 

"That's what I do too, just so I still fit in, if you know what I mean." He says to me with a reasurring smile. I thank him and we go back to the couch wheer everyone is.

There is this blonde girl sitting beside Harry, the curly head. She is really pretty, she has blondie-brownie hair, blue eyes, a little bit smaller than me and a perfect set of pearly whites. I was cut off my toughts as Maja dragged me into the bathroom. She was dying to pee. As she did her business, I checked myself in the mirror. I thought I looked well. Soon later, the blonde girl comes in. She gives me a little smile, and I do the same back.

"Heya, I'm Jessica, but you can call me Jess for short. I hear your Hazel, Liamhas non stopped talked about you all day." She says to me. Liam talked about me?.. 

"Hey, Yea, That's me! And thats a surprise?" I say back with a chuckle. 

When Maja finished in the bathroom we all went out again, we sat around, discussing the stupidist things ever. At some times, I thought I would wet myself with laughter. It was now like 2:00am, So me, Maja and Jess, Decide to crash at my place. All the boys asked for my number, as a friend way, and I got theirs. When we got back, we spent like half an hour, un-beautifing oursleves and an hour just talking, sooner or later, we fell asleep.

Okay guys, sorry its short, more coming soon !?!?!? x x x 

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