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"Sit," I order Selina and Ivy. They do as they are told because well, I'm a fuckin queen to them. I am one badass bitch and they know it. If they look at me the wrong way, they die. Say the wrong thing to me, they die. Selina and Ivy know the rules. Mess with me, I end their lives.

I walk around them swinging my bat. I him a little tune before speaking. "Sooo..." I stop walking and sit down next to Red. I notice both her and Selina shaking. "Why ya so scared?" I ask Red. "I ain't gonna kill ya. Yet." I laugh. They stare at me. My smile slips off my face. "If I tell a joke, ya laugh. Don't laugh, I ain't gonna go easy on ya. Only warning. Got that?" They both nods their heads. I sigh and say, "Look. I know we didn't start out on the right foot, but I'm just tryin ta make some friends here. So stop being fuckin cowards and just be ya selfs. Ok?"

Ivy gives me a small smile. I smile back and she gives me a full smile. I turn to Kitty and smile at her too. She doesn't smile. "Aw come on Kitty. Smile. I'm sorry if I hurt cha pretty little head." I try to look sorry. Kitty sighs and flashes me a small smile. "There's the spirit!"

"Um...Harley?" I turn my head towards Ivy.

"Yeah Red?"

She frowns slightly at the name but acts like it doesn't bother her. " I just wanted to say sorry for, you know..." Her voices trails off.

"No worries. We are villains after all," I say, accepting her apology. She smiles, relieved. I look into her green eyes and laugh. "I have the feelin we are gonna be the besta friends!"

Jarley in High schoolWhere stories live. Discover now