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A/N: This chapter is quite boring & short. I just wanted to update something and not leave it at two uploads. But i promise, the next chapter will be much more interesting..

Okay so, here y'all go !!

chapter two |

Y o u r p o v

"Did you pack everything ?" I heard my mom call from the hallway. We were packing our stuff for our little Arizona trip. I was kinda excited since it's our first time having an actual holiday after.. the big change in our lives.

"Almost !" I shouted back, walking over to my closet as I picked out a couple of outfits. Carly left to see her grandma in NYC last night & we've been on the phone all night until 6 AM. I made my way back to my luggage, folding my stuff into my suitcase. My bedroom door suddenly opened aggressively, which made me jump.

"Did you see my charger ?"Kane asked, looking around my room. I placed both my hands on my hips, watching him as my brows were furrowed. Here we go again. Ladies and gentlemen, this is my 21 year old brother Kane aka the asshole.

"Can't you knock before walking in ?" I questioned, glaring at him.

"Did you see my charger ?" He asked again, ignoring my question.

"No now get out." I rushed, pushing him out of my room.

"Can I use yours ?" He asked, turning around as he reached the door.

"No." I replied bluntly, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Come on y/n, my phone's at 6%. Don't be a bitch." He said, looking down at his phone. My eyes widened at his choice of words.

"Get out of my room !" I pushed him out aggressively, shutting the door in his face. I heard him call my name from the other side of the door, making me roll my eyes. Did he really think I was gonna borrow him my charger after he called me that ?

I think the fuck not.

I leaned my head against the headrest, sighing loudly. It's a six hour drive from Denver, all the way to New Mexico and I'm over it already. "Are we almost there ?" Kane asked/groaned, running his hand through his face. "Not yet." My mom replied, sounding annoyed since this was the third time he asked that question in the past 30 minutes. I unlocked my phone, opening my text messaging app, reading the text I received the other night.

Unknown number: you have no idea babe.

Who could that be? The night I received it, me & Carly discussed it until 4 AM, trying to figure out who sent me that text. I just couldn't sleep that night, I was too scared. We came up with a couple of names of people that could possibly be pranking me. But the question is why? Why would they prank me? & what did they mean by 'you have no idea' ? This is so creepy.

Let alone the fact that the person called me 'babe'. What the hell ?

I was quite scared about it to be honest. I might be over analyzing the entire thing & making a big deal out of nothing. But I can't help it. This whole situation is quite creepy and I don't know what to do, what to expect or who to talk to.

I haven't even told my mom about it; which I probably should. She'd know what to do in this situation.

I looked out of the window, watching the cars drive past us like lightening.

I just hope I'm just overreacting and this is nothing but a prank..

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote & ask me any questions you have in the comments.

The Heartless Lover | Jason McCann | √Where stories live. Discover now