Chapter 8: I hate you...

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Y/N’s POV~~~~~~~~
I woke up on Ryan’s bed… WAIT?!?  THAT WASN’T A DREAM?!?  I AM LIVING WITH RYAN?!? Yay! Wait… I smell BACON!
*Walk down stairs*
“Hey Y/N”, Nathan said VERY awake
“Hey Nathan… Do you know where Ryan is? And the rest of the boys?”
“Ryan, Zach, and Burt went to Wal-mart to get something”
“Ok… Thanks, Hey do you want to record a vid?”
“U-Um… S-Sur-re?”
“Why are you stuttering Nathan? You NEVER stutter,”
“Ok?... Let’s get started! Oh wait… My computer isn’t set up yet!”
“I can help?”
“You really want to?”
“Hey! I love computers!”
“Ok, I am a complete noob at computer-ish stuff, thanks Nathan!”
“No problem,”
*The legit timeskip until Nathan is done with whatever he is doing*

Nathan’s POV~~~~~~~~
“All done!”, I exclaimed
Of course the beautiful Y/N was sleeping, I carried her back upstairs and put her in Ryan’s bed. “Was me setting her computer up really that boring?”
I heard, “Yes,” not knowing she was awake and I accidentally dropped her down the stairs.
“ARE YOU OKAY?!? I AM SOOOOOOOOO SORRY Y/N!”, I helped her back up.
“How ‘bout I walk MYSELF up the stairs!”
“Thanks”, she said with a sarcastic tone, then she walked back up the stairs.
*Doorbell rings*
The boys must be back now!
“Hey guys! Welcome back!”
I could tell Ryan was suspicious, “You’re hiding something Nath- WHERE’S Y/N?!?”, as he ran up the stairs. I helped Burt and Zach with the rest of the stuff Ryan dropped, thanks a lot Ryan!

Ryan’s POV~~~~~~~~
I knew Nathan did something! Y/N didn’t notice me yet, but she had bruises on her arms and legs! Nathan triggers me so hard sometimes… What did he do to her??? Drop her down the stairs? Haha, Only a dumb person would do that!
“Hey Y/N! I see your computer is set up,”
“Yeah… That was the ONLY good thing that happened to me today,”
“What happened?”
“Nathan dropped me down the stairs because he thought I was sleeping while he set up my computer so he started to carry me up the stairs to your room, and I scared him somehow. He jumped, and dropped me. Of course the only logical sense is that he came crashing down on top of me and took me down the stairs the more painful way. Leading to all the bumps and bruises you see here.”
“Wow that was much longer that it needed to be for me to understand- but anyway I am so sorry that he hurt you-”
“-Ryan it is fine they don’t hurt unless you touch them.”
“But I can show him a lesson that he won’t forget anytime soon” *Makes a noise Bap Bap*
*Laughs* “You don’t need to show him a lesson of any sort. The only reason he did this and probably got scared is because you know how Nathan is… And you know he likes me, that is the only reason I was in the group in the first place too,”
“True, but I like you more”
That is when I kissed her, she accepted it. And OF COURSE Burt walks in!
“Hey Ryan do y-”
“Sorry! Me and the group, Proper Dummies, wanted to know if you two want to do a Minecraft survival teams with all of us? 3 teams of three. You in?”
“Why not?”, we both said
“When does this series start?”
“Tomorrow or in two days, we still need to figure out teams,”
“We can do that, now can’t we Ryan!”
“You guys can if you want, just make sure to turn them into either Zach or me. Bye lovebirds! By the way, dinner is in 30 minutes,” and he left.
“So it is definately you and me, who else should be with us?”
“I don’t know… Wait we will make a list of each of their skills and see which one would be most helpful,” Here is the list:
Megan: ???
Zach: Great at surviving, good at PvP
Nathan: Pretty good survival skills, Good at PvP, carefree sometimes
Jay: Great survival skills, ???
Moose: Sometimes careless, Great at PvP
Garrett: Great survival skills, risk taker
“I would say either Garrett, Zach or Nathan,”
“Yeah, I think Garrett because he is good at PvP, he takes risks but lives the majority of the time, and he normally takes charge when we can’t control it.”
“What about the other teams?” I asked, “We can’t put Jay and Zach together, They will dominate so I think”:
Team 1: Ryan Y/N Garrett
Team 2: Zach Moose Megan
Team 3: Jay Burt Nathan
“What do you think Y/N?”
“That looks good! I will- Owwwww! It hurts to move Ryan!”, she started crying,
“Don’t cry! I will get Zach...Ok?”
“Ok *sniffle* Ryan…” *sniffle*
I legit RAN down the stairs, “ZACH!!!!!!”
“Y/N doesn’t feel right, like crying! You have the most experience with medical stuff. HURRY!!!”
“Ok Geez Ryan!”
*Both run up stairs*
We came there to see Y/N crying while holding her ankle.
“I don’t need to see much to recommend her to a doctor Ryan…”
“I don’t need a doctor Zach… I can move perfectly- owwwww! It hurts!”
“Stay here! I will call Lauren~Chan,”
“Y/N you okay?”
“Yeah Ryan, I am,”
*Lauren~Chan and Zach walk in*
“Hello Y/N~Sama! Lauren~Chan heard that your ankle is hurting,”
“No dur!”, I said.
“Shut it Ryan!”, Zach was defending Lauren~Chan
“Lauren~Chan will need to take Y/N~Sama to the hospital to get her ankle checked out, is is okay if Y/N~Sama stays overnight there Ryan~Senpai?”
“HOLD IT LADY!!! RYAN IS NOT YOUR SENPAI!!! I don’t want to stay overnight, It is about 1!”
*Blushes* That is so sweet of her! I don’t want her to go, but I want her to be better…
*Timeskip after hospital because I am too lazy to write it*

Still Ryan’s POV~~~~~~~~
Well, she broke her ankle, is in a boot and has crutches. I am soooo sick of hearing Lauren~Chan talk in third person and calling me her senpai. I carry Y/N up the stairs carefully considering that is what technically broke her ankle. I am still pretty mad at Nathan.
“Y/N, You okay?”
“Yeah, do you want to sleep downstairs tonight? I could ask Zach if you want to, he could have my room, and I could have the couch.”
“I am good upstairs, plus the only thing that I would need is to go to the bathroom and your room is the closest to the bathroom,”
“Good point,”
“Hey ummm… Ryan? I was wondering if we could sleep together… NOT LIKE THAT!! DON’T EVEN THINK LIKE THAT!!! But, so I won’t get lonely?”
“Sure Y/N”
*kissed by Y/N*
“Well that was very awkward…”, She was very right!
“Do you want me to get you dinner?”
“No, I want to get it myself!”
“Fine I will carry you up and down the stairs…”, I just want her to be happy!
“Deal!”, and she started smiling, so I started smiling.

Y/N’s POV~~~~~~~
I am so happy to be with Ryan! <3 As he carried me down the stairs, I looked at something… Red.
“Ryan, put me down on a stair please.  Just do it, don't question it.”
It looks like blood!
I screamed, “NATHAN!!!!! GET OVER HERE NOW!!!!”
“What? Did I do something wrong?”
I whispered to him, “Blood… Go into the bathroom and check yourself, it isn’t me. Because either me or Ryan would have seen it by now,”
He left and we heard him scream, “ARE YOU CEREAL?!? MY ARM!!!”
Everyone living in the hose currently came by Nathan saying, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah I just ran into the cabinet and accidentally cut my arm, no biggie!”
“Hmmmm…”, Zach said, “That doesn't look like a cut just anything could make,  it has to be from a knife or corner or something like that. I am no expert at crime but someone here is planning something…”
“FINE I DID IT! It was accidental tho!”, someone shouted it was Nathan, “I wanted Y/N to like me over Ryan... Ryan was better than me…”
“Nathan, I do like you,  but just not like that.”

Ryan’s POV~~~~~~
Everyone dispersed again and me and Y/N started getting food, we both decided we couod start a survival series together to practice. I moved her computer and desk to the same room I use to record, my room. Zach and Burt helped too, Nathan was still wiping blood off his arm.
“There you go Y/N!”, Burt said, “Do you have the teams yet?
“Thank you sooo much boys! And yes, we do,”
She handed the note and they left, we started playing Minecraft and we completely forgot to eat!
“RYAN!!!!! COME FAST!!!”, I heard someone down stairs yell…

(Sorry there is a lot of Ryan’s POV there, but I didn't know how else to write it. Comment what I should write about next in this book! Thx so much for everyhing, Bai)

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