Chapter 11

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Ryan's POV~~~~~~~~
We got a call from Zach saying hurry to the house, I wonder why?...
"Zach... What did you wa-"
"Hey guys!"
"BURT?!?", she screamed. I was just standing there with my mouth open...
"Yeah, I got checked for any brain trauma it turned out negative. So that is why I am here!"
"We missed you Burt,"
"Burt, do you know where Nathan is and or Zach?"
"Nathan is in Ryan's room, and Zach went to get tacos for dinner,"
"No problem!"
"Should we just set the paint in Nathan's room?"
"Hey guys! I am home!!"
"Hey Zach!"
I walked up the stairs to give Nathan his paint for his room and when Burt said he was in my room, he was in his old room crying. Like my current room now with Y/N,
"Nathan what's wrong?..."
"Are you sure?"
Y/N walked in and he started crying more I just whispered to her to leave,
"Do you want to paint your new room Nathan?"
After we were done painting his new room he decided to tell me what was up,
"So Ryan?"
"Yeah Nathan?"
"You know when I was crying before..."
"I was crying because you are the only one with a girl... Megan, without a boy. And it is weird with you and another Proper Idiots member dating, making out, and all that other jazz,"
"I am not saying that you should should break up, that is your choice. But I think that I can speak for all of us that we wish we had girls. Half of us like *cough* Y/N *cough*-"
"-What?!? SERIOUSLY?!?"
"Okay... Go on..."
"So that is why I like Y/N a lot... And I-I guess I am just "
"I have an idea...."
"Dinner boys!!! Oh no... I sound like my mom..."
After we ate dinner I needed to ask Y/N something,
"Hey Y/N can I talk to you in private?"
"Yeah sure Ryan, what's up?"
"The sky, now what I really want to ask..."
"Are your friends willing to come to Texas for about a week?"
"Maybe... Why?..."
"Because Nathan was crying because he really likes you. And he said that him and some of the others feel weird around both of us. So I wanted to see if any of your friends might want to take Nathan out... WOW! That was a lot of talking."
"Um... Yeah, sure I will ask them in the morning... I am so tired for some reason... Night Ryan..."
"Night beautiful. And if you hear noise, don't come down stairs untill you hear the fire alarm...."
"I don't care but whatever..."
I was actually tired myself and we decided to invite Megan over at like 10 to play Monopoly with us.
"Haha! I won AGAIN!"
"Wow you're so modest Ryan, or should I say... CryinRyan!"
"I am not CryinRyan I am 21 and proud of it!"
"Crap, Ryan isn't the youngest one... Y/N is... But she isn't here!!", Zach and Burt sounded really disappointed in her,
"20!" Megan shouted,  I think she was just proud of shouting the right age out.
"I think I should go to go to bed, night guys."
"Night Ryan!"
As I walked up the stairs I thought of who Y/N was going to ask to come all the way to Texas... Once I reached our room, she was on her phone,  doing something. I couldn't see what but she was crying.
"Hey Y/N are you okay?"
"What nothing... Yeah I am fine... I am going to bed now, for real."
"Love you too?"
"Night stupid,"
I forgot she was in my bed... So I was sleeping in a 20 year old girl's room... or bed... This sounds so messed up...

Y/N's POV~~~~~~~~~
I am pretty sure Ryan figured out that I was in his bed when he started to whisper something. I didn't hear it but, I was too tired to understand anything right now. I went to get up to go to the bathroom and Ryan was behind me and also needed to go to the bathroom also. He wasn't paying attention until I slammed the bathroom door in his face and I called him stupid,
"I am not stupid, I am an Idiot.  I am a Proper Idiot!"
"Fine... Idiot!"
"Hey you are too!"
As I got out of the bathroom Ryan pulled me into a kiss, little did we know Nathan was coming upstairs to sleep, and guess what?!? Nathan saw us... Third time now? Anyways... Again! Nathan just laughed like a little school girl on a Saturday...

Megan's POV~~~~~~
Who was screaming up there?...

Ryan's POV~~~~~~~~
"Nathan just go to your room..."
"Okay Mr. Boss man!"
"I am going to go to bed too..."
"Well, I am still sleeping in your bed Ryan, it is more comfortable than mine"
'"Do you know what Ryan?"
"I really like you, love you"
"I love you too Y/N,"
And she just fell asleep on my chest, I fell asleep not long after.

Zach's POV~~~~~~~
I wanted to know if Ryan wanted to watch a movie with us so I walked up the stairs. I walked into his room to see him and Y/N cuddling. Ryan turned around and shook his head at me. He whispered night to me and I left, down the stairs.
"Megan, it is getting late, I am going to hit the sack. G'night."
"I think I am going to leave too, bye guys!"
"Bye Megoon!"
*Time skip to morning*

Ryan's POV~~~~~~~
Y/N was gone? No... She is on her bed, be smart Ryan...
"What was that Ryan?"
"Nothing, let's get breakfast"
"Never mind,"
I smell... Nothing, oh wait Zach is with Nathan and Preston (TBNRFrags look him up on YouTube) at Target. I honestly don't know why, but yeah. Why isn't Burt cooking? He needs to rest Ryan, GET LIFE RIGHT!!
"Ryan? You there?..."
"Yeah, I was thinking to myself..."
"It's cute,"
"Nope, not in this hose it ain't!"
"What... I own this house!"
"Heh suuuuure," I own part of this house if not more because I actually paid for half of it, unlike Burt. Y/N and Nathan are still  paying their part, but at least they are paying something.
"Ryan... Let's take a walk..."
It was autumn and the leaves were starting to change color. I was wearing one of my Camp Recess sweatshirts, Y/N was in a t shirt,
"Wow, it is pretty cold considering I don't have a sweatshirt. Sometimes I can be so stupid..."
"And you can have my sweatshirt,"
"I hate you, I love you"
"Now both of us are quoting,"
"Do you want to head back now?"
"I am good if you are good, and going back to last night when you said I could invite a couple of my friends to Texas..."
"Yeah, should I explain why?"
"No I understand,  you want to set them up with one of the boys or Megan. I am not really that social and that is why I was surprised to be accepted into the Proper Idiots... not the point, sorry Ryan. But anyways I could invite Jolie and Meagan?"
"That works!"
"Should I do both? Where would they stay? We only have one guest room-"
"That you know of..."
"You are making yourself sound very devil like..."
"There is one bedroom down stairs that nobody except me knows of..."
"Are they just that blind?"
"Yep pretty much! But anyways, we could have Nathan or Zach can have that room and Jolie and Meagan have the one of Zach's or Burt's room."
"I will text them once I get back..."
"You sound disappointed?"
"No, I am just really tired and Burt should be more chill by now."
"K let's go back now,"
*Le time skip till they walk home*
"Welcome home lovebirds!", they all said taking pictures and laughing like little school girls that are five, I whispered to her,
"Run and hide upstairs, hide and lock the doors and with me in,"
"Okay",she whispered back,
We both ran upstairs and locked our door. And of course they were squealing to come back and Y/N rolled her eyes at them.
"Keep quiet Y/N they could have cameras..."
"Okay Ryan!"
"Hey can you text them? I am not trying to be rushed but the longer that we wait, the more Nathan and the rest of the boys are going to bug us..."
"FINE!!! I will text them..."

Y/N's POV~~~~~~~~
*Texts Meagan*
M= Meagan
Y= You
Y: Hey What's up Meagan?
M: I haven't talked to you in FOREVER! How's Texas? How is it being a Proper Idiot?
Y: Good! It is awesome, lots of drama but yeah... I know this is very sudden, but could you come to Texas possibly? It would be amazing to see you and me and Ryan are trying to set Nathan or one of the other boys up with one of my friends, so you in?
M: Heh, why not?!? See you in Texas Y/N
Y: Bye Meagan!
"Ryan, so one of my friends Meagan can come, should I ask one more?"
"Why not?"
*Text Jolie*
Y= You
J= Jolie
Y: Hey Jolie! How has it been with you?
J: Nothing much... I was wondering if I could come see your place, say hi to the boys?
Y: That was what I was going to ask you!
J: You are freaking me out... See ya later
Y: Bye!
"They can both come!"
"Which one for which, how much we betting..."
"Wow... I am saying Jolie and Zach and Meagan and Nathan,"
"I am saying Jolie for Nathan and Meagan for... I don't know..."
"Keep thinking... And then let's make wagers,"
"You're on Ryan!"                                                                                                                                                                  "Just to let you know...  I am gonna win Ryan...

Thanks mydadisaviatorgaming and Aphzel_ for giving me the names!

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