Chapter 7

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Liam layed there, playing dead. In Mexico, he had learned a few things from the natives. One of those was to control your breathing just enough to make all those non-essential functions stop.His mind was reeling from the thought of his own daughter stabbing him. He knew Harry and Louis somehow trained her to do that. She was too young for him to be angry at.  It was all Marissa and the boy's fault. He would make them pay. All of them. They had turned their back on him in his time of need and now they would suffer. When Marissa had touched his neck,looking for his pulse, he had almost come undone and grabbed her. He  had known she would grab the phone but he thought she would call emergency for rescue,not the the boys.

His leg had now grown numb and he was aure the bleeding stopped some time ago. That was one of the things he hated the most about himself, he was such a bleeder.The doctor had called it Hemophilia,which basically meant his blood lacked clotting agent. It always made him feel inferior. Even paper cuts poured blood. It normally wasn't dangerous but being stabbed like he was,well, who knew what the repercussions would be.

Soon enough, he heard Mariss talking tothe boys assuming he had done this and little Darcy's claim to be a ninja. Mayhap she truly is a special child since she shared his jeans. That had to be the only answer since Marissa is as dumb as a stump. She was exceptional because she was made with Payne seed.

As they talked and he listened, he felt  something jabbing him a few times. Oh lovely, someone else had to kick him while he was down. Realy brave lot these peasants were.  He decided it was time to get up and take back control of the situation. All he had to do was open his eyes and stand up and scare the crap out of all of them bu this body was not cooperating with his mind. He could't move. He tried to open his mouth to speak but no words came out. He was helpless.

Soon, the kicking grew harder and Liam wanted to cry. He was supposed to be in charge, not having someone hurt him. Liam Fucking Payne didn't like pain inflicted upon him.

"I say, we fill him full of bullets and leave him outside for the wildlife to feast on."

It was Niall's voice Liam heard. His best friend in the band whom he had always stood up for, who now wanted to riddle his body with bullets and throw him to the wolves.Literally.

"Just do what you need to do and let's get out of here,please", Marissa begged.

Liam knew if he could move his face it would be in disgust. She was always begging for something. In his mind he could hear her whiny voice begging him, "Stop Liam, don't hurt me anymore Liam. Please,Liam, don't fuck me. Don't make me choke on your man meat."

"Finish him off Niall,it's for the best," Zayn said and all Liam heard was the cocking of the gun .

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