Chapter 6

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Now I know, it's been a while since I've been on and it's time for an update. Let it be noted that while in reality a 6 month old can't actually use a razor knife, Darcy is an exception with her awesomeness. Louis and Harry have taught her a lot and don't treat her like a baby. On with the freak show. 


Marissa sat up and almost fell off the table. If it weren't for the bindings on her legs, she was pretty sure her ass would be on the floor. She looked around but Liam was nowhere in sight.She was pretty sure she was going to have to beg him to undo the tape and let her down. She just hoped that whatever sick thing he had planned on doing to her, was over with and he would go back to being a little bit human again. Sometimes, whe he was sweet and loving, she thanked God for the small favor of a break from his madness. She wondered how long he would be or if he was still there. What if he had took Darcy and ran off? what would he do to her? Her relentless string of questions was cut off by cooing from the floor below.She looked down and saw her baby girl and Liam.Liam was in a puddle of blood and Darcy was poking him. 


Marissa kicked and pulled on the tape until she was free and hopped down to grab Darcy away from that monster.He could be faking and Marissa wasn't taking that chance, not when her child was in danger.She kicked his hip and he didn't move. Again,kick.Harder this time.Nothing. Either he was really out cold or he was a good actor and she was leaning toward the latter. 

Looking about for something to restrain him with she saw his phone, unlocked, laying on the table.Flicking the screen, she called the only people in the world who actually cared about her, her boys.

Louis and Harry were both balled up on the couch , hot messes. They hadn't eaten or showered the whole time she had been gone.Zayn honestly felt sorry for them but he was worried more about Marrisa and the baby. Liam was one warped son of a bitch and who knew what he was going to do with them. The ringing of the house phone pulled him from his thoughts and he looked to the guys, seeing them make no attempt to move, went to answer it himself. Only management called that number anyway and they were in no shape to deal with that. 

"Zayn here", he answered. 

A whispered voice came over the line,"It's me, help." 

"Speak up , I can't hear you." 

"Zayn, it's me. Liam took us and we are in some house." 

He kicked the back of the couch and shook the phone at Louis and Harry,"It's Rissa, Liam did take her. Talk to her while I try to trace where the call is coming from." 

Louis and Harry were both on their feet yanking the phone from Zayn.They held it between them and asked her all kinds of questions as Zayn powered up the computer and began his search. "Keep her on the line, I just need a few more seconds." 

As the talked Zayn, squinted at the screen. She was only about 145 kilometers out of town but it looked like the area was very secluded. Fuck it, they had to save the girls." Got her, tell her we are on the way.Somebody gets Niall's ass. I need my partner." 

Louis and Harry both shouted into the phone that they were on their way and to hold on tight.If they were worried before, they were even more worried now. She was in the grasp of the devil himself.

Marissa tossed the phone. They would find her, they would come.Now all she had to do was pray Liam stayed down. She sat Darcy on the blanket on the floor and went over to Liam. There was blood all over but most of it what around his leg.That was when she saw the thin, razor knife sticking out of his leg.How in the world did that get there. As a novice sister, at the Catholic seminary school, Marissa has got some training in basic first aid as part of her prerequisite Missionary training so she knew he was grievously injured.She ran her hand over his neck, checking for a pulse and found nothing. Was he really dead? No, that would be too good to be true.

The boys quickly loaded into the Range Rover  with all of their equipment, which had known become known as the Liam Fucking Payne killing kit. Niall sat in the backseat loading an AR-15. The law says they really can't have this kind of gun but desperate times and all that.Louis, on the other hand was punching his left palm with his right fist. 

"When I get my hands on him,I'm going to rip off both of his arms and shove them up his ass.It will be the ultimate fisting." 

Harry wanted to laugh at Louis' bravado but he was just too worried. He knew Liam wouldn't just hand her a phone unless he was trying to trap them.They would find out in about 10 more minutes.

Marissa swooped up Darcy and went outside. She didn't want to be anywhere near Liam when he woke up. she couldn't imagine the payback he would try to extract for whatever happened to his leg. As she stood pacing, a Range Rover pulled in and her boys jumped out. she and Darcy were immediately engulfed in Louis' and Harry's arms as Naill and Zayn stood, ready to shoot to kill. 

"Where is that fucker?",Louis wanted to know." 

"Inside on the floor ,by the dining table.", Marissa reported. 

The boys ran in and looked down at the prolapsed form on the floor. Liam was out cold and looked like he had been for a while. What went on in here?

Harry looked at her with shock and awe,"What did you do to him?" 

"I did nothing. He was like that when I woke up. I think he may have done this to himself." 

Darcy reached over and rubbed Harry's cheek," I ninja, dada."

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