Ace's Move set and Authors Notes

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Ace move set

Aura Sphere:50-72
Description:Ace's mane Projectile
Force Palm-40-70
Description:An Attack that can paralyze.
Extreme Speed:50-71
Description:Can Run/Dash on the foe and could stun for a second.
Bone Rush:35-50
Description:Can dash at the foe sending some hits.
Karate Chop(Will only be used on Brock if his in Love ;).

Mega Moves(Can only perform in Mega Evolution)

Aura Beam
Description:Shots a large beam of Aura From both paws(The longer Ace forms A sphere the more Damage it does)

Damage:small beam(50-55)Normal beam(70-80)Large beam(90-110)Full power(150)

Energy takes away:Small,Normal:Small energy.Large,Full Power:Large energy.

Aura Wave
Description:When Ace Form a Sphere Ace Can shot Horizontally,Straight,Left And Right can shot multiple Waves can Drain energy Very Fast(The Longer Ace Charges the sphere it will be bigger and more damage)

Damage:Small Wave(35-40)Medium(50-60)Large(65-75)Full Power(100)

Energy takes away:Small,Medium:Very Small.Large,Full power:Small

Aura Missile
Description:Summon up to Six Small Sphere of Aura behind Ace Can command to hit more than just one and can't be avoided

Damage:2(20-30)4(40-60)6(70-90)Full power(100)

Energy takes away:2:Small 4 and 6:medium

Aura Palm
Description:When Ace Charge his palm when Mega Evolve Ace palm glow different colour when charged.when Aces hits a foe summons a vortex of Aura around the foe sending the foe on the air(When charged it change colour to do more damage Sending the foe more higher)

Damage:Yellow(50 Sending in the air for a short time)purple(60 Sending in the air for a medium time)Green(70 Sending in the Air For a Large time)Blue(80 Sending in the Air for a Large Time)Rainbow Max power(120 Sending the Foe Very High)

Energy takes away:Yellow,purple,Green:Small.Blue,Rainbow:Medium

Aura Dive Kick
Description:A powerful dive kick knocking the foe 10 feet away from Ace.

Damage:Blue(90)Rainbow Full power(100)

Takes away energy:Medium

Aura Armor
Description:Creates an Armor of Aura can block all elements elements.


Energy takes away:large

Swords of Aura
Description:A sword made of Aura The Attack is only Close range it can disappear if no hybrid phantom at Sight.


Energy takes away:Large

Aura Tornado
Description:Creates a storm of Aura if it hits the foe it will greatly damage the foe and will be stuck there for a couple of minutes(Just like Fire Spin)


Energy takes away:Greatly

Blasting Aura
Description:Shot a sphere of Aura at the foe if made contact the sphere will grow larger and larger till Ace feel exhausted or Command it to stop.

Damage:Small(85)medium(100)Large(120)full power(155)

Energy takes awaySmall:Medium.Medium,Large:Large.Full power:Greatly

Authors notes.

Well now you've seen all the move Ace can do on mega form he won't have all this attack it will take time Ive planed something special on the last chapter of PROTP.Sorry couldn't publish a chapter my school is coming soon don't want to miss the chance to go school so I will try to post this every Friday I won't post tomorrow.I won't spoil you guys to much there will be more Mega moves then the one you just saw.Anyways see ya soon everyone :)

This is Charizard's-Time78.
Signings out.

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