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they looked at me in shock but i just got up and walked inside going up to Enoch's bedroom after i knocked i heard a faint come in so i entered to see my brother playing with a doll like object 

"what's up connor?" he asked nicely but after i entered i got a dizzy feeling 

"enoch i'm not feeling very we--." i was cut of my the fact that i had fainted 


i heard a light bang and my name being screamed so i ran downstairs from my sisters room and went to the room my name was screamed when i walked in i saw enoch who i might add looked like a ghost but he was looking at something i followed his gaze to see a body on the ground

"conner..." i said quietly picking her up and carried her to our bedroom and laid her on the bed when i put her down she started having a seizure all i could do was yell for jake 

"what's going on?" he asked as he entered the room but his words stopped when he saw connor 

"where's her bag?" he asked as he ran around the room when he found it he pulled out a medicine bottle and told enoch to run and get a glass of water 

when she was done we waited patiently, suddenly she woke up and jake ran to her side giving her the pill and water, she gulped it down and hugged him.


i woke up and took the medication that jake had given me then hugged him

"thank you." i said into his chest 

"i think it would be a good idea if you stayed the day with me in my room." he replied but i only nodded at the idea as he picked me up and walked me upstairs laying me calmly in his bed but when he tried to leave i grabbed him and pulled him but i pulled him to hard and he landed on my, our noses touching staring into each other's eyes intensely 
We both leaned in and our lips touched
I ran my fingers through his hair but we separated when we heard a gasp I looked up to see wyn and victor then I looked at jake who looked at me confused
"Guys we got caught in the moment." He said looking at them
"It meant nothing." He added but victor stormed up to us and grabbed my wrist tightly and before I could cry in pain his lips touched mine all I could do was sit there and let the tears fall down until I felt him being thrown off of me, I looked up to see wyn standing infront of me in a protective stance
"Wyn I think my arn is broken." I whispered to her she looked down at me before picking me up and carrying me to miss p
"Oh dear what happened." She asked worried
"I fell." I replied she looked at my arm and then she but a bandage on it and told me to stay on bed rest for a while so I went back to jakes room and laid on the bed crying
Eventually I fell asleep and was now dreaming or then moment
"AHHHH!"  I screamed jumping awake
"What's happening?" Jake screamed
"Just a dream." I said looking down but I started playing with my lip remembering the feeling of victors lips on mine if it hadn't been so forceful I would have enjoyed it but it had broken my arm so all I could do is sit here in pain so I just laid back down and fell asleep

me and the dead boy (victor fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now