CHAPTER 12: the aftermath

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"Hey Ms Candi Redd. Glad you finally called a nigga."

Yes. I called Miguel back after our lil rendezvous in the bathroom at the house party last weekend. I just couldn't resist him. Even though I really do like Jarod, I know that he's still with his girlfriend. So why cant I be with somebody else on the side? I know they're best friends but i just cant make myself care. I'm too deep in this fast life. One man is just not enough for me right now. I dont know if one man will ever be enough.

"Im just calling to tell you dont be getting your hopes up fucking around with a woman like me. You remember how we first met? When you and Tyrone was double teaming my ass in my living room? That part."

"I know lil ma. But aint nun wrong with us being friends.. with benefits."

"Thats it. No more than that. And dont be expecting that too often either. I gotta go." Click

I've been enjoying myself the last few days but now its time to go back to work. Selling this sweet ass. Phone been ringing off the hook all day. Might as well put this to good use.

"Hello, Tyrone."

"Whats up Candi Redd? Shit me and my nigga wanna train something. We got you $600."

Now I hate doing trains. But I will do them for the right price. And plus I remember how much fun I had the last time that Tyrone brought one of his homies along to dick me down.

"Come on thru. The door's unlocked."


"Man lets go tap this ass cuh. She said we can slide thru."

This nigga Tyrone finally convinced me to go with him to fuck this fie ass bitch he been going on and on about. I had a bad feeling about going but I aint been fucking with Lana like that since the house party last weekend. I just dont know but I believe she fucked my nigga Miguel. They was just acting too suspicious.

"Let's roll, B."

We pull up at the same apartments that Lana stay at. I aint think nothing about it tho.

"My lil shawty stay over here bruh. She stay in that building right there."

"Thats the building we going to man. She stay on the third floor."

"So do my lil shawty."

"Oh shit, Jay. Might be yo bitch we going to see."

"Chill, T."

This nigga always had jokes but right now wasnt the time. I hope he wrong tho.

We walk up to the door. What the fuck?? Apt 2019?? Are you fucking kidding me? This is Lana's apartment! But i play it cool. I kind of went into denial. Maybe she wouldnt be in here.

"Ms Candi Redd? We here shawty!


I hear Tyrone calling my name so I go into the living room. My jaw hits the floor.


He's just staring at me with a blank face. Im speechless. Just lost for words.

"Man yall know each other?"

"Yea man this was supposed to be my lil shawty, but she out here selling that pussy to everybody."

All i could do was look at him.

"So you the one that Tyrone and Miguel been bragging about all this time huh? Tell me the truth. You fucked Miguel in the bathroom at the party didnt you!?"

Im just frozen. Cant move. Cant speak. Im caught. Another one gone.

"Lana. Answer me!"

"Looks to me like yo lil shawty aint shit bruh. Let's just go."

"Yea man. Fuck you Lana. You aint nun but a hoe anyways."

I snap out of my frozen spell.

"Who the fuck you think you talking to like that, Jarod?"

"The bitch that been playing me all this time.  Been selling pussy to my homeboys. Fucking my homie while im downstairs. And was just about to sell her pussy to me and my bret for $600. But you aint a hoe tho? Get the fuck out of here, Lana."

He was right. I just let him leave. I fucked up and i knew it. Just gotta move on i guess.

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