Going down memory lane

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Sorry I couldn't update yesterday. Though I 'm shocked, 34 views! YAY! I hope you like this chapter.

Previously on CNL
Cassie and get father walked downstairs to get the food and sat at the kitchen table. They had an animated conversation though Cassie kept on wondering, 'Why was that book with the apple on my bed?'

The next few weeks, Cassie was like a normal Forks civilian. Bella no longer questioned her behavior, she gossiped about the Cullens like the others, and was no longer interesting to the supernatural beings in the school.

Life went on like that until Cassie found four dusty books under her bed. She opened one of them, read the first page, then suddenly fell down.

Memories flashed through her mind. She thought about her old life, reading the Twilight series, and everything she had done as Cassandra Swan.

Then new memories came. Cassie thought about having the powers of an avatar. She could control all four elements, though also had telekinesis, telepathy, and could travel between walls like the Martian Man Hunter.

Cassie woke up suddenly and shouted "I have the blessing of Stephanie Meyer and the Twilight gods!" Luckily she was alone in the house.

Cassie went outside to practice her powers. She burnt a lot of trees and almost caused a forest fire, though fortunately for her, there was a water source nearby that she could use to put out the fire. That incident actually helped Cassie discover one of her powers. Using her earth powers she could grow trees back up or speed up the growing process.

Then Cassie realized she could control the weather too! She could also stop the blood flow of animals and tried it on a rabbit. Cassie could fly too! With all these new powers Cassie had, she could finally witness vampire fights without being in danger. Tired from usin her bew powers so much, she went home and immediately fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~♢Time Skip♢~~~~~~~~~~~

Beep, Beep, Beep

Cassie's alarm woke her up. She quickly went through her morning routine and changed into her outfit. (Its in the media above) She ran downstairs quickly ate, then dragged her sister to the car. She was so excited because today was the day Jasper and Edward were coming back from their trip to their cousins in Delaware.

School went by very slowly for Cassie. She was so excited for her last period, History, because she was finally going to see Jasper. Finally, it came.

Cassie sat in her assigned seat by the window and waited for Jasper to come. Right when she was going to start a conversation, the teacher came in and startef the lesson.

"Today you will be working with the person beside you on a project about the Civil War. You will take a quiz about it, then come up with an idea to explain one of the major battles in the Civil War.

Cassie and Jasper turned to each other, then started the quiz. Cassie looked at the question and immediately said "Its the battle at bull run." Jasper checked the answer and said surprisingly that it was correct. That continued as one of them answered the question and the other checked it until they finally finished the test. They came up with an idea for the project , then talked to each other about random things for the rest of class. Jasper found himself wanting to become friends with this girl that smelled so good to him.

The bell rang and class ended. Cassie exited the school cheerfully because she was finally getting close to the love of her life, Jasper Whitlock.

Well thats the end of this chapter. I hope you liked it! Feedback is entirely welcome.

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