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the girl was put in a choke hold by this dude but she kicked him in the worst place to be kicked oh yeah I am Mikey yeah cool huh


she dodged some punches until the dude hit her face so I used one of my chucks to stop him and I punched him I pulled out my T-PHONE


me- uh April we have a problem

April- what's wrong Mikey

me- your friend is hurt and uh she has seen us twice already

splinter came onto the phone

splinter- bring her to the lair

me- ok

I ended the phone convo and told the others I picked her up bridal style and boy she was light weight we got down into the sewers where we live once we got there I set her on the couch I stared at her she is so pretty wait what she would never like me I sighed

Leo- you ok there Mikey

me- yeah just thinking

Raph- about what

Raph my second out of three oldest brother he makes fun of me all the time

me- about stuff gosh give me a break

Raph- you can thi- OWWWWWW

splinter- RAPHEAL leave your brother alone you should respect him like he does you now you will go meditate on your actions. NOW.

he walked off and Leo sat next to me

Leo- don't let him get to you

me- easy for you to say he doesn't know how much his words and actions on me hurt and plus he will never stop

??- then make him stop show him that you are not what he says you are

I turned to see who spoke

me and Leo- AHHHHH APRIL

she ran in


that's her name she laughed

Hayley- so these are you other friends let me take on Mr. red over there see how he likes being in Mr. orange's shell over here

Raph- I heard that wait your awake

she laughed again uh oh if I smile at this Raph will never let this down

me- I'm Mikey this is Leo and red over there is Raph

Donnie- don't forget me and sensei

me- oh yeah that's Donnie and Sensei is master splinter he is a rat

Hayley- I am Hayley nice to meet you

splinter- as well as you how do you feel

Hayley- my mouth will be a little sore but other than that I am okay um and no I will not reveal this to anyone just so you know

Sensei nodded and I smiled in happiness which got me a confused look from Leo and I smirk from Raph I smile from Donnie and I giggle from Hayley I stood up and yawned

me- good night

really I am just going to lay down and sleep

LOST TO EVIL ( TMNT MIKEY/OC LOVE STORY )Where stories live. Discover now