Chapter 2

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Time skip from last chapter.  Sorry, I'm not going to do all of 'Narnia Prince Caspian.'

After the three volunteers from the crowd, the four kings and queens of Narnia stepped though the tree-portal and crossed back into their own world.

First was Edmund, who was sorrowful for having to leave his homeland so soon and crestfallen that his elder sister and brother would not return home, even once more.

Peter and Susan followed. They were heartbroken and devastated, for they would never return to the land they call home. Never again.

Lucy trailed after, disappointed at spending so little time in her homeland, though not quite her home, Cair Paravel and her friend were all gone, take by time and others after all, and she grieved, for her eldest siblings wouldn't be allowed home ever again.

The train pulled to a stop. The four were brought out of their daze when a boy asked, "Aren't you coming Phyllis?" As they gathered up their things Edmund spoke, "Do you think there's any way we can get back? I left my new torch in Narnia."

They all laughed as the oldest three boarded the train. Lucy waved goodbye as the train whizzed away. Once it was out of sight, Lucy collected her belongings. It was time to head for Platform 9 and 3/4.


Lucy took her seat and gazed at nothing, her mind occupied by other things. She barely noticed when a man came in, sat across from her, and promptly fall asleep. When Hermione, Ron, and Harry filed in she didn't even look up.

"Hi Lucy." Hermione greeted. Lucy only slightly nodded in response.

"Are you alright?" Hermione inquired. Lucy finally looked at them and smiled a small smile.

"I'm quite alright. I simply have something on my mind, that's all." Lucy replied before returning to staring out the window. Tomorrow Lucy would shake off her mourning of her and her siblings' greater loss, and her lamenting of how short her visit to her homeland was, but for now, she would continue to stare out her window.

Despite what the trio thought and what it would seem, Lucy was listening to what the three discussed. She found it a good distraction from her thoughts. She heard about Sirius' escape from Azkaban and how he was after Harry.

"Let me get this straight-"the door opened and Luna interrupted Ron with the words, "Excuse me. Could I borrow Lucy for a bit?"

Lucy followed Luna down the train corridor and into another compartment that was just the two of them. The two friends had just barely seated themselves in an unoccupied section when the train screeched to a halt.

"That probably isn't good." Luna voiced as she watched the window being coated with ice.

A dark cloaked figure floated into view from the glass and slowly slid open the door. Lucy felt cold, and.......terrible. Lucy felt a pull....and then.........nothing......a distant roar.

a distant roar

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