Leaving the Past

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During breakfast with the guys I had to find out what was going on with Logan. No doubt he had been just as hurt by everything that happened, but the truth of the matter is he is now openly pushing his Mate away and I knew at the end of the day he would only end up hurting himself.

"You know it's okay to forgive her." I said as Deacon left to pay the bill.

He looked at me but chose to ignore me.

As promised after breakfast, I went back to the Hotel and found Tiff coming out of the restroom.

"Let me just put on my face and we can go shopping." She said, still carrying her cheerful attitude, i missed it and i missed her.

"Hey Tiff," I said to her. "I just hope we can forgive and forget everything...I just want us to go back to normal."

She walked over and hugged me. "Bell, i'm truly sorry, I can never make it up to you and if you're willing to forgive me then thank you. But as for us going back to the way things were. I think we're going to have to work at it. But i know we will get there eventually. I look forward to the day when things do go back to normal." She said with a sad smile.

I knew she was right, we were going to have to work on it, i also knew that while Logan and I were up for forgiving i knew it would take Deacon a while.

She finished up her make-up and we talked about things that have been happening since we haven't spoken.

This continued all the way to the mall.

We got to the galleria and went wild. We stocked up on a new winter wardrobe putting some heavy dents into our credit cards. But hey Dad can't complain right, I mean he was the one who suggested she come and we make up.

The boys called us to meet up with them for lunch.

"I don't think i can go." Tiff said, sounding worried and sad.

"What! Why?" I pouted, I had just got my best friend back and I wasn't ready to be away from her.

"Well, You and I might be good but things with Logan and I are pretty rocky and I know Deacon hates me." She admitted. "Don't get me wrong I deserve his hate and I accept it, but Logan...I love him he's my mate, and it hurts to be on the receiving end of his disappointment and his death glares...I don't know if things will ever be the same for us, and i'm seriously scared he will turn his back on me and refuse to be my mate any longer...like one day he's going to get tired of dealing with everything and he'll just reject me."

I felt her sincerity and sadness. There was also that underlying feeling that I couldn't quite name.

It was bugging me that I couldn't pin point that feeling. So I blurted out my next question "How does that make you feel?"

She sighed, "Sad, angry, hurt, depressed, lonely, exhausted." She said.


Tiff was feeling Depressed, no wonder I couldn't place it, Tiff was always a happy and bubbly person, the emotion didn't fit her, and I instantly began worrying...When Tiff has her feelings she's always been extreme about them.

She's never just happy she always elated, when she's sad she's mopey and crying. I can't even begin to imagine her experiencing depression.

"Bell can I tell you something?" She asked sadly and worried and a little ashamed.

"Of course, you know you can tell me anything." I told her honestly.

"No one knows Bell, not even Mom and Dad." She said a few tears running down her cheeks.

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