16: First Time For Everything

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  "Do you believe it Octavia!?" My father yelled at the T.V. screen. I packed my bag with weapons, preservitives, and water. "People believe this shit." He laughed. He turned and saw me packin'. 

"Kids ain't going to school. I'm not taking any chances." I said, my voice shaking. School crashed about a week ago when the virus got super bad. I was one of the last kids left. We weren't allowed to drink the water. Lord knows how it started. He scoffed. 

"We had this "worlds ending" scare back in the 90's." My father paused. "Did it happen? Hell no." I put my knife in my belt. I didn't even know how to fight with a weapon. I knew how to win with my hands, but my hands won't be enough. This virus makes people, unaware, they can't feel anything. That's about all we know. 

"Negan." I warned as a person gnawed hungrily at our window. I huddled back in fear. I pointed at it. "Negan, it-it's one of those things." Suddenly my voice was in fear. He looked at the thing. 

"Dear God." He muttered. "Octavia, get me a gun and knife." I shook in shock, fear even. "Now!" I ran to his room and pulled the gun from the drawer. I ran back down the hall tossing it to him. "What bout my knife child?!" 

"I got it. Here." I handed his the larger one. The dead ones teeth broke on the glass. I just stared into its grey, dead, eyes. "We-we have to see if he's okay." I said in denial. I felt a large hand on my wrist. 

"It's not alive. Let's go." He pulled me. I resisted. 'It can't be. It can't. It can't.' "Octavia! Let's go, do you want to die here?!" Father yelled at me. I shook my head, following him out the back door. It felt like everything was in slow motion, to my dad running to the car to the fact that everything on the news was true. Thousands of people are one of those things. They say that those things are dead. You get bit, you become them. Everyone. Their all gonna be gone. My heart beat against my chest. 

"Where are we gonna go?" I asked Negan. He shrugged hopping into the red truck. Only car we ever had, we kept in the back. I got into the passenger seat, gripping my knife. 

"Calm down there. We'll be okay." I took a breath in as we crashed through our fence, onto our main road driving to anywhere. Those things swarmed the streets. People getting bit, screaming, dying. That's what I see. 

"Maybe we should-." I was cut off. 

"We have to get away."   


"First day world went to shit I was a scared little girl. First day I ever killed someone, something. Dead or not I used to believe there was a person in there. Now." I paused. "Everyone's dead to me. I'm dead. We're all dead." I said as I cleared a grocery store with Alex. He chuckled. 

"Funny how things change."


 "Now, if the dead come at you, you stab them in the head. Okay? In the brain. Don't use your gun unless you need too." Father told me. I gripped my knife close to my body, nodding my head. 'I have to be strong.' I loosened my grip, sucking up my fears. 


"You? scared?" Alex laughed. I rolled my eyes. 

"Once in a lifetime." I muttered. "I screamed so loud when I killed it, you would've thought i was being ripped apart." Alex bursted into laughter as we looked at the stocked shelf's. I grabbed the meds as he grabbed the food. Suddenly I paused holding a bottle of Ibuprofen in my hands. My smile dissapeared on my face. 

"I remember the first time Negan used Lucille. You were lucky you didn't see it." I said blankly letting myself feel it. 


"You don't take me seriously? Do you? You have to give me your shit, for you all to stay alive." Negan said holding Lucille on his shoulder. The leader of the others group grinned, he was like Negan. I clenched my jaw. 

"I don't think you have the balls." The leader challenged. Him, his group, they didn't even have much. He didn't have many people to have his back. Us, Negan, we had close to 100. Negan took a moment to laugh. I shook my head, biting my lip. 

"Octavia, you know what to do." Negan told me. I looked up and faked a smile. 

"Ain't ya'll a cute little group?!" I exclaimed. I could feel Negan's eyes digging through the back of my head, watching every move I made. "Get on your knees." I ordered, my voice suddenly stern and rough. All 15 got on their knees. I went up to the leader. "You should be afraid of me, us." I growled. He glared at me. 

"Why would I be afraid of a teenage girl?"

"This is why." I muttered before backing away. I heard Negan laugh. 

"I have a feeling someones panties are getting in one twist, and that wedgie will not come out." He roared. "I also have a feeling someone needs a little, well example. I really hate to do this, tell ya' that much, but you put it on yourself." Negan grabbed a blonde man from the line, couldn't be older than 40.  He shoved him in front of himself. "Takin' a hit for the group man." Then that was it. The clean bat flew down, sinking her barb wires down into the flesh. Another hit. It broke the skull. I held my breath. Blood flew everywhere, it sprinkled my shirt and pants. I knew I should've closed my eyes, but I didn't I knew I needed to remember this. This is who we are now. This is the world. Negan beat the victim until there was nothing left to beat. The crowd was crying. I took a deep breath. Negan looked up. 

"You work for me. Not yourselves, you selfish losers." With that we left. Left with the memories that will haunt our minds.


"I'm really glad you weren't there." I mumble, shoving the bottle into my bag. 

"Why?" He asked.

"I wasn't me, I'm not me when I'm in that mode." I paused. "I'm a monster Alex, I live in fear. You live in fear. The only way we feel is because we understand." I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

"Isn't the world somethin'?" Alex chuckled. 

"Beginning to end." I muttered. 

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