Flesh Doctor

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Name: Blake Zacharia Croft
Age: 21
DoB: December 12th, 1995
Sexuality: Gay
Gender: Male
Partner/Proxy: Mynk
Personality: Sadistic/masochistic, sociopolitical, hangry, rude, to-the-point, passive-agressive.

Skin: Pale white
Preference: Tall, Dark, and Mysterious/Lean
Species: Inhuman
Psyche: Intelligent Psychopath
Occupation: Doctor of Forensic Pathology
Kill method: Find->Eat (No special methods)
Clothes: Black Jeans, Black button-down shirt (untucked), White lab coat, black Converse Hightops.
Food: Human
*W.o.C:  Medical Scalpel, or X-acto knife if desperate.
Known 'Friends'(Associates/Acquaintances): Dr. Locklear, Slenderman, Feral (and the Panda), and Eyeless Jack.
Partner/Proxy: Mynk

Partner/Proxy: Mynk

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Blake Z. Croft
As a young child he was raped in the daycare center he used to love, it soon became his hell.
It happened daily, each day going further and further, the man threatened to kill him each time hed finished if he told. His hell finally 'Ended', on the day someone walked in on the man, strangling Ben as he violently raped him.

The police were called and everything seemed great, but everyone treated him like filth after that. They looked down on him, treated him like shit, and made his life a living hell.

Moving onto his early teens, he got into a violent relationship that he was helpless to stop, he cut himself, harmed himself. One day at the school, his boyfriend hit him. And that was the last straw. He snapped, all the torture he'd been through, why the hell should he have to sit through it any longer?! Beating and kicking his boyfriend, over and over again, until an administrator finally managed to pull him off. The insolent boyfriend getting carted off to ICU, and Blake receiving serious punishment for defending himself.

Soon, he'd started over at a new school. He decided to try dating again, this one was worse. The girl hurting him repeatedly, cheating on him every chance she got. But he was so hurt, he wanted someone to love him, after all. His mom sure didn't.

Soon after the third month of dating the girl, let's call her #2.
#2 decided that she was through with her 'plaything', and beat him up after school. Soon, she'd gone around and told everyone how abusive and unfaithful he was.

After this, he walked up to her one day and shoved a pen through her belly button. She went to the hospital with multiple internal organs popped open. Blake got arrested, but after about a year in juvenile hall, was released at the end of his sentence on "Good behavior".

Once he was out, he was truly desperate to find someone to love him and not use him. So he tried once more, in his mind he deserved somebody to love him. He met a man named... L. Let's call him L for now.

Now at first L was different, Blake thought he'd found the one. But after a few months of being used by L, he broke it off. L threatening suicide, Blake told him to go ahead and get it over with then.

Now, he managed to fake transcripts and get into Stanford School of Medicine at the age of 17. Graduating a Doctor of Osteopathy at 20. (Osteopathy is a practice where the doctor is trained in all fields, a very general and experienced Doctor.)

He moved to Texas again, starting up his own practice of medicine. Now... Ben has a secret at this time... He's a cannibal, early childhood: his father got to him and corrupted him, feeding him human meat. Through his teens he did whatever his father told him to get it. He was desperate.

Now working at a hospital, he can sneak down to the morgue whenever he wants a bite to eat, soon though. Dead flesh grows tiring and he craves living, he needs it.

Becoming a serial killer going by the name, "Doctor of Flesh", he doesn't care for the other creepypastas, except one. Sometimes he has dinner parties.

Did you know, eating human flesh for prolonged periods of time corrupts your body and makes you inhuman? Blake gained several abilities over the years.

He has one proxy, Mynk. Don't dare touch him as he is also his husband. You'll die.

"Beware the Doctor of Flesh, lest he come for you in the night."

A word of warning to other Creeptpastas he may invite over to his home for dinner, have a salad unless you enjoy human flesh.

You'll find that he doesn't unleash himself, or attack another CP unless it's absolutely necessary.

• Teleportation
• Emotional Manipulation (Manipulates the emotional state of his victims)
• Advanced Regeneration (Losing a finger takes about a minute to regrow, an arm will take around 5-6 minutes.)
• Telepathy
• Shape Shifting
• Precognition (To an extent: Can see the most likely near future.)
• Intangibility

*Weapon of choice

**I acknowledge Zalgo's superiority to me.

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