May 25, 2014....Two hours later.

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The doc said I can rejoin my friends since I've been doing fine during my watch, so I'm back in my room now with D.. oh! I never told you her story. Same thing that happened to me happened to her, but she doesn't know that, she lost someone and blames herself for it and stopped eating and talking, it finally got to the point where she...well end up here. I want to tell her, I really do. But how?

"Hello ladies." Jessie said as he walked in and hopped onto our dresser.

"Hey." Dianna said, and looked over at me. She has this idea that Jessie and I are going to end up together, but I don't really see it.

"Parents are here, ready to go?" He asked.

"Mine aren't here," I reminded him," you two go on; I'll be in the T.V. room."

"Your dad is here too, Winny." Jessie said, with a smile on his face.

"Not nice to lie, Jess."

"I'm not, let's go!" He yelled and jogged out of the room. Dianna and I looked at each other and ran after him. When we got into the room, and I instantly saw my dad; I couldn't help but smile as I saw him. He looked up and saw me, smiling he waved me over.

"Hi Daddy." I whispered.

"Hello Winny," my dad never used my full name, he hated it just as much as I did, but my mom was a History nut and likes it, "how have you been?"

"Good, I made a really good friend and my handler isn't bad either." I told him. We talked about my group and personals, and little things here and there; I never had a problem talking to my dad, but I was always scared that I was going to tell him what happened. At one point Dianna and I introduced our parents and we all talked till it was time to go. D and I walked with them until we hit the stopping point and met up with Jessie, after seeing my dad I knew, just knew that I had to tell him what happened.

"Jessie, can you, D, and my dad come with me to my personal?" I asked him, pleading with my eyes, he nodded and led the way, I felt like he knew what I was about to do. When Mrs. Emily saw us she smiled and told us to sit down.

"I'm ready." I told her and her smile faded, she knew what I wanted to do, taking a deep breath I opened my mouth and finally talked.

"It was my seventeenth birthday and mom made us go to the pool, I didn't want to because I don't know how to swim. I was sitting in a lawn chair when I heard the splash, heard him falling into the water," I stopped to take another breath, and looked over at my dad, his face was hard, he didn't expect this but I kept on going, "Mickey, my four year old brother fell into the pool, and because I couldn't swim I couldn't jump in to help so I yelled for my mom but she was nowhere to be found. I ran to go find her and she was in the pool house with some guy, doing stuff and messing around, when she saw me she yelled at me and I didn't get a chance to say anything , so I ran back to Mickey but it was too late, he was gone." I stopped and looked around, Dianna was crying and my dad and Jessie looked pissed to all hell.

"Mickey drowned, and I couldn't do anything to help and my mother was too busy cheating to notice. She blamed me." I whispered. I didn't even know that I was crying until Mrs. Emily handed me a box of tissues, I took it and thanked her. We talked more about what happened going into details, then my dad finally had to go. Before he left he hugged me and promised that he was going to be back next week. 

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