Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

Quote of the chapter: “We have to distrust each other. It is our only defense against betrayal.” –Tennessee Williams



That was the only way to describe this situation. I ruined it. Maybe we could’ve become friends, but I just had to open my big mouth and screw it all up.

“Lynn-” Hunter starts.

I sigh and play with the red ends of my gradient hair, knowing what he’s about to say.

“Lynn, you’re nowhere near-”

I squeeze my eyes shut, just waiting for him to finish his dreaded sentence.

“Say it already,” I snap, frustration masking my pain.

“You’re not perfect. But that-” Hunter is cut off once again, by a black haired guy who sits down by us. I study him quietly.

“Hey Hunt,” he says, “Mind keeping me company?”

Hunter looks up, finally noticing him, “Oh hi River, its fine with me. Ask Lynn.”

River shoots a charming smile at me. “Greetings, Madam Lynn… Tell me, what has this young lad, by the name of Hunter, done to receive the immense pleasure of breathing the same air as such a beautiful mistress as you?”

The tension in the air almost vanishes, and the mood turns playful, as I burst out into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. “Nothing, he forced himself on me, Kind Sir.”

Hunter playfully glares at me, “I thought I was your ‘sir.’ How quickly you dismiss our love.”

I grin, batting my eyelashes, “You know you’re the only one for me.”

River looks between us, smirking at our “flirty” banter. “How about we have a pick up line contest?”

Hunter cheers, “You come up with the best ideas, bro!” Turning to me, he speaks in a nasally voice, “Heyyy sugah. I heard ya like water. Good, because then ya already like 70% of me.”

River groans, shaking his head, but I just laugh. “I’m pretty sure seventy is not the exact percentage of water in your body.”

“Shut up. You’re not supposed to know that,” Hunter speaks in his normal voice, “Anyways Lynn, you got any pick up lines for your love?”

I frown in thought. Pick up lines were not my forte. “OH!” I exclaim suddenly, “Did we have any classes together? Because I could’ve sworn we had chemistry.”

“Had?” Hunter pretends to act offended. “I have six letters for you- U, R, A, Q, T.”

I grin, until I realize something, “Hey! That’s only five letters.”

“I know,” he replies, “The D comes later.”

I flush, covering my face in embarrassment.

Hunter laughs, “If you were my homework, I’d do you all night and on my desk.”

My jaw drops, and I blush an even deeper shade of tomato red. “Hunter!” I groan, flustered by his sexual innuendo.

“What? Can’t take my sexiness?” With that, he stands up on the table, making thrusting motions with his hips.

While the whole cafeteria turns and stares at the crazy freak in front of me, I smack my head on the table, feeling tears of laughter forming at the corners of my eyes.

I keep watching him, as a passing teacher walks by, staring at him with shock. She makes her way to our table and stops Hunter’s impromptu dance routine. “Excuse me sir, but could you refrain from doing that on the tables please?” She looks just as flustered as I was moments ago.

Hunter suddenly stops his break-dancing, finally noticing the teacher. “Oh… urm…” He clears his throat embarrassedly, “Sorry, yeah.”

He hops off the table, smirking at me at me and River. “So…” he grins, wiggling his eyebrows, “Did you enjoy the show? Or did you want me to do a strip tease?” River lets out a loud chortle, as I blush- again.

“Hey, that hot chick is glaring at you.” River says to me. My eyes widen. As I gaze in the direction he’s pointing at, I see Lindsey shooting venomous darts at me.

“Is she gonna come over here?” River asks. “No,” I snap, “She’s too embarrassed to make a scene here.” Still, I wasn’t sure what she’d do. I mean, I was sitting at alone at a table with two uber-hot guys. Then again, she was at a table full of jocks.

“Soo… does she have a boyfriend?” River pipes up. “Why do you want to know?” Hunter cuts in, “You don’t do girls like that.”

“Like what?” River questions innocently.

“Like blonde, annoying, bitchy girls,” Hunter replies.

“Hey!” I protest, “Lindsey’s not like that!”

Hunter slams his hands down on the table, making me flinch from the loud noise, as he exclaims in frustration, “Why are you so naïve?! Why can’t you see that she’s just being your friend because you’re a spineless little innocent child who can’t and won’t stand up for yourself?”

It feels like a knife is lodged in my heart from his hateful words, as I run away from the table, holding back my tears.

“I thought you were different, Hunter. I really did.”



Tysm to the people who are following Betrayal, and please check out my latest novel: Nature’s Gift!” Btw: changed my user name to fangirlfourinfinity <3

ily all,

Katie xoxo 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2014 ⏰

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