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Everything is red.
The man lets out a scream of pain, but it comes out as more of a pleading gurgle, as he continues his descent.
Crimson liquid flies up from his body as hot tears make their way down Tord's scarred face.
The ground approaches quickly, chunks of metal wedge themselves in his flesh as he continues to cry.
He can't help it, it's like something else is driving him.
He opens his mouth, tilting his head back as his lips part.
Then, he connects with the Earth for one, final time.

He awoke with a start, clutching the bedsheets beneath him as he wrapped his free arm around his torso.
Tord looked around, panting as he tried desperately to calm himself down.
"........Just a dream, can't hurt...me....."
The man muttered under his breath, looking down at the floorboards.
".........Can't....hurt me."
The door swung open, revealing two familiar figures who were patiently standing behind it.
"Sir, we heard noises, are you alright?"
The taller of the two asked, his long hair flowing behind him as he and his companion stepped into the room.
Tord paused, taking a moment to adjust his normally spiked hair, before nodding in response.
The pair seemed to calm down a bit at this, but still continued to look at him almost warily.
"Do you require anything, sir?"
Tord shook his head, not meeting the eyes of his soldiers as he appeared to be lost in thought.
The man opened his mouth, wanting to say something else to his leader before his partner grabbed his sleeve, signalling that it was time for them to leave.
Once he was truly alone again, the red clad warrior stood up, his hand instinctively touching the angry red scar just under his left eye.
He took a deep, heavy breath before making his way over to a large table a few feet away from his bed.
It was small, and wooden much like everything else within the room, and was covered in a wide variety of artifacts.
One of these artifacts, however, caught Tord's interest.
A minuscule, framed photograph was laying in the middle of the table.
He reached down, his hand shaking as he picked it up and studied it.
The subjects of the photo appeared to be four, similar looking men in almost identical hoodies.
A tall, brown haired man wearing green clothing had his arm on the shoulder of a well dressed ginger, who didn't seem to be paying him much attention.
Near the pair there stood a blue clad, spiky haired guy who seemed to be looking out into the distance.
He seemed out of place, but the most distinctive feature about him was the two, black holes where eyes should have been.
Next to 'green hoodie guy' was Tord himself.
He was wearing his signature mischievous grin and holding a cigar in his right hand, and was smiling at the camera like a maniac.
Tord wrinkled his nose, almost disgusted.
He couldn't believe that he had once been the man in the photo, naive, an annoyance, he didn't look any better off than the rest of those idiots.
It was clear that he had done the right thing by leaving them, now he was free of the burden that his relationships with them had brought.
Besides, he had too much to think about.
Tord was the leader of a whole army after all, he didn't need all the stress and drama.
He paused, then dropped the photo.
It fell to the ground with a metallic clang as the frame shattered into what seemed like a million pieces.
He watched, amused.
Tord found himself bending down as he had the odd urge to fix it, then thought the better of it.
If he were to somehow mend it, what would he do with it?
Some things were better left broken, after all.
The man smiled, maniacally.
It was time to pay some old friends a visit.
And this time he would be better prepared, and revenge would be swift.

It was late.
The whole neighbourhood was silent, most of it's residents giving in to the calming sensation of sleep.
The only exception was a small, yet rowdy apartment.
Turn off the goddamn TV, it's giving me a headache!"
Called a short, eyeless male who was positioned in what appeared to be a very comfortable armchair.
Moments passed before a taller, ginger man walked into the room holding a remote in his left hand.
"But Tom!
This is the best part!"
He whined, looking down as his companion only sighed.
"You aren't even watching it, it's just wasting away now!"
Tom replied, almost angrily.
"Ugh, this isn't even your apartment!"
Matt pouted, crossing his arms in protest.
Slowly, his friend got up from his chair and walked towards him.
"Matt, it's a HORRIBLE movie.
It has no plot line, no guns, no violence-"
He was cut off by the sound of a door slamming shut.
Cautiously, both men looked up, putting their argument on hold for the moment as the last member of the trio walked into the room.
"Oh, hey guys."
Edd exclaimed, happily.
"Sorry for stepping out, I had to go to the store to get some snacks."
He gestured to the large, plastic bags which he had carefully placed on the floor beneath him.
There was no doubt that Edd was the peacekeeper, without him the whole gang would probably have fallen apart a while ago.
Tom and Matt had been going at each other lately, which was odd because they usually got along.
Matt wasn't usually aggressive, Edd knew him very well, but it was almost like Tom was purposely trying to get on his nerves.
Much like him and, well, someone else had constantly done not so long ago.
Edd sighed, walking past Matt and collapsing on the couch.
He didn't want to admit it, but he was a little worried for his eyeless friend.
He remembered the fights between Tom and Tord being trivial, and almost always ending in physical violence.
Now, since the red clad traitor was no longer present, it was almost like Tom was trying to find a replacement.
He missed Tord, in a sick, destructive way.
It was sad, to say the least, because he missed having someone who he could hurt and be hurt back.
Are you okay?"
Matt's voice snapped him out of his trance as he whipped around, his usual smile plastered on his face.
"Yeah, just tried.
He shrugged, trying his best to laugh it off.
His friend seemed relived.
"I'm pooped, it's been a long day."
Tom raised an eyebrow, looking over at the ginger.
"You haven't done ANYTHING today."
He stated, crossing his arms as he faced Matt.
"Well, no need to be rude about it.
Matt shot back, turning on his heel and walking out of the room.
Once he was gone, Tom looked back over at Edd.
"If you're tired, you should probably get to bed.
It is late, and now that he's gone we won't have to deal with that annoying movie anymore."
He stood up, shuffling over to the door of the small apartment.
"Night, Tom."
Edd smiled, warmly.
The eyeless man didn't reply, but he gave a small wave as he closed the door behind him.
He paused, knowing that he was alone once more, and let out a yawn before leaning back and beginning to drift off to sleep.
It didn't matter anymore.
Tord was gone.
Everything was fine.
Edd closed his eyes, adjusting his position to insure that he was comfortable.
Everything is fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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