Chapter Two

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      *Song HIGHLY recommend ^"
    The sound of laughter filled Neverland with a sense of long forgotten magic. The stars  shined a little brighter, the forest was alive, the sea rocked calmly to the sound of the angelic melody of laughter. It fueled this island and made it what it was.
     Pan watched emotionless at the group of dancing boys. Once long ago there lived a boy who lived for these moments, to feel the rush of adrenaline that came from living life on the edge. But that boy is dead, he died weak and naive. Now he was stronger, unbreakable.

        Pan turned swiftly into the forest and began his annual journey down the least traveled trail on the island. It was forbidden for the lost ones to walk along this path, yet a small dirt path was beginning to form from the rough soles of Pans' boots. 

      The island momentarily stilled as it's notorious king stopped at a large door camouflaged in ivory. In a wave of his hand the twisting vines peeled back away from the old door. A golden key was produced from the small pocket that was poorly sewn onto the breast of Pans dark tunic.  The door creaked loudly as it slowly swung open. Inside was the forgotten garden of Eden, rows of dead rose bushes lined the moss covered stone walk ways. Dead vine flowers hanging from the arches above sway limp in the solemn wind.

     A grand willow tree loomed over the boy. Its long tendril like branches softly kissed his face as the wind whispered secrets in his ear. Pan bowed his head and squatted down to the base of the tree where a small headstone rested. Willow Blackbeard. 

      The soft sound of thunder rumbled above, the moon was reluctantly forced behind a wall of dark clouds. Leaves begun to stir and swirl around the swaying willow tree.  The squatted boy solemnly waved his hand over the headstone; a small bundle of forget me not flowers appeared. With a sigh Pans head fell from its high posture. A soft melody danced slowly on the tides of the wind. Above lightning flashed brightly, illuminating the garden. Something small and cold tickled the back of Pans neck, looking up several more droplets of water hit his face. The coolness of the water contrasted his feverish skin.

   Dark wet spots spotted the stone headstone slowly. A pang of pain struck inside of Pan, his dark eyes flashed with the lightning. He brought a slender hand up against the wet stone and grasped onto it tightly. " I will never forget you, lost girl." The island responded with a loud clap of thunder. Pan stood but his eyes never left the her name. A streak of toxic blue lightning stuck the sky, and he was gone.

       Pan appeared on the other side of the island near the mermaids cove. A place only few remember. Pixie Hollow. He paced around the abandoned village. When he came to the center a large cut down tree lay lifeless. With a sigh he sat down onto the old tree trunk.
     Long ago he and his lost boys had attacked this quiet, harmless village. It was right after Pan read Elizabeth's note and found her body at the bottom of Deadman's Peak.   That was when Shadow came to him and told him of her relations with the Fae. Blinded by heartache and rage he vowed to never again feel the bitter sting of love. Something inside of him snapped, he felt nothing but the need for revenge. He blamed the Fae for this. On the night of the summer solstice celebration they attacked. Killing everyone women, children, elders. No one could stop his rage. He cut down the Pixie tree as a way of spitting on every one of their graves.

    Now it was only a reminder of the monster he was, and always will be. Willow had seen that monster, and saw what it could do. Yet she still loved him.  It has been one hundred years since Pan has seen her face, or heard her beautiful voice. It has been a century since he has felt the softness of her pink lips, or held her in his arms. At night he yearns to feel the comforting warmth of her sound asleep beside him, but is left with cold emptiness. She haunts his dreams. Her brilliant green eyes stare deep within his dark soul, as is she is reading all of his untold thoughts. 

    It has been a century but yet not one thing had been forgotten. Her laughter is the spring winds, her eyes the stars, the sun is her smile, her tears are the rain. In everything Pan looks at, he sees her. He sees her even in the lost boys.

     Pan shaking violently has he tries his hardest to feel something, anything.  A tear, a sob, anything! Nothing. In frustration he punches the tree trunk and yells out. His screams are drowned out by the smashing thunder. Several green lightning bolts stream out across the sky. 
*Replay song of needed!*

   He could feel his magic throbbing in his veins. As his anger grew so did the furiosity of the storm. Trees began to fall and break. A tree near burst into flames when a green lightning bolt struck it. The once soft rain drops turned into bullets. With a final cry out Pan crumbled to his knees, his hands pulling roughly at the roots of his hair.

    When Pan returned back to camp he found not a single lost boy in sight. The once raging fire now nothing but a puddle of muddy ashes. He lousily made his way to a small tent on the outer circle of camp. Inside was a tiny makeshift bed with a one drawer nightstand. A chest at the end of the bed was filled with items the boy had not dared to look at in year in fear of what they might awaken inside of him, but he was tired of feeling nothing. It didn't matter if the only thing he felt was pain, it was better than feeling nothing but emptiness. With shaky hands he slowly lifted the old lid of the chest. Inside were a small pile of cloths and old leather boots. A beautiful dagger lay in the bottom of the chest, beside it lay a sword. Pulling the sword out Willows last name gleamed on the steal sword. Setting the sword down beside him he continued to look through the chest. There were many things leaves, pressed flowers, sea shells, a mermaid scale. A folded piece of paper beckoned him forward. It was Willows death note that Lane forged to make him think that she had killed herself. As he read over the words,
Willows voice rang in his ears.

"My dearest Peter, you will not remember me for good reasons. But, I forever will remember you. Our love is one time can not break. You once made me a promise that we would live a normal life, have a family and grow old together. I now release you from that promise seeing that our stars are not alined. I shall always love you, in life, and in death, and if there is a life after death I shall love you then. I shall see you again my love, I don't know when, or how. But, you taught me something always to do. Believe. You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I will always love you, that's where I'll always be waiting"

"I love you Willow" were the last words the lost boy mumbled before being completing engulfed by sleep.


Update number 2! I really hope this update actually makes sense... But OH WELL! I think I am going to start updating every Sunday, so that there will be a new chapter every week. OMG I have found the best writing music! Peter Gundry makes the most beautiful music! There are no words so it's really good for coming up with writing ideas without getting distracted by random outburst of singing. LOL But all my chapters are inspired by his music you really need to check him out! It's not like Beethoven EVEN THOUGH HE IS AN AMAZING COMPOSER! But Peter Gundry's music is so emotional/ dark/light/sad all at the same time. It is absolutely beautiful! ! I love it when you guys comment it just makes my day , so thank you so much I love you all!!! And if there are any books that you think are amazing please tell me because I WANTS TO READ THEM XD but seriously tell me because I think I might have maybe read all of Wattpads books.. JK that's impossible LOL!

Read, Vote,Comment, Enjoy! Until next time my Lovelies Xx - YourstrulyPS <3

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