Chapter 23: Third Person's POV

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She could hear the growls of her mate as warriors ran down the streets to secure the perimeters from a likely war. She started to panic, she ran opposite of where the citizens were heading to and towards Alpha James' house where she found the Alpha awaiting her with her backup and extra supplies. He gave a small smile as she took the bag and started to jog away, however, was cut short when a firm hand gripped onto her forearm.

 She gasped and saw Alpha James who gave her a stern look and dragged her inside his house and into his study. She didn't understand why she was in the study until he had let go of Irene's arm and walked over to a shelf and looked through the books until he found an old tattered book and pulled it out for a mere second before pushing it back in.

  Confused Irene did not understand what was happening until two bookshelves moved outwards which revealed a hidden staircase that led downwards. She was about to open her mouth before Alpha James grabbed her arm once again and led her down the stairs before they stopped at the metal door. He held a small key in his hand and unlocked the door swiftly before pushing Irene into the small room.

 "I know who is after you, no Alpha could be as violent as him. We'll hold him off, for now, stay in here until one of my warriors come down and fetch you. If you run now, he might catch you and I can't let them happen. He needs to be presented to the Werewolf Council for crimes against forcefully marking a she-wolf. Plus, we're not exactly on good terms right now. So stay here, masking spray surrounds this whole house, he won't find you here, I promise." he tells her, before rushing back to the door they both came from. He gave her another smile and disappeared through the door and made sure to lock it.

 Irene stood there dumbfounded as she heard screams and howls surrounding her. She was scared, that's for sure and looked around in the small room. It was the size of the wardrobe in Alpha Archer's home and only consisted of a toilet, 2 beds and a small shelf which contained food and blankets. She reckoned this was where the Alpha's family would hide in an attack and right now there was probably one happening right now and she didn't know what she would do if Alpha Archer found her. She prayed to the Moon Goddess that he would not.

   Venus raged into the pack compound with two of groups of his strongest warriors by his side in wolf form. No citizens were in sight besides the pack warriors which fought multiple of wolves at a time. Venus could no longer smell the scent of his mate as the whole pack was sprayed with masking spray, Crystal Waters warriors were hit with the spray too making it almost impossible to track them.

  It was weird to know his host knew nothing of sight as he was blind, and still could not see through Venus' mind. Only Venus was granted with sight when in control, however even in the mind from Archer was not able to see most of the battle, however, the hearing of the battle was as clear as water.

 Alpha Archer listened in horror as his wolf inflicted multiple wounds on the innocent who Venus believed held Irene as captive, but Alpha Archer knew that this peaceful pack did not keep Irene here against her will unless it was mandatory. Archer wished to see the battle but with his limited sight he could only see auras of anger through his eyes, his hearing was top notch and he wanted to drown out the screaming voices. 

  Venus had blocked Alpha Archer's link and focused on the task at hand, his host was being insufferable and demanded to know where his mate was hidden. His claws were drenched in blood, a few open wounds were bleeding out as he clawed recklessly upon fighting warriors until his sights fell upon a silver wolf who dashed towards him. Power radiating off this large wolf signalling his status as Alpha and Venus had his eyes set on him. The Alpha knew where he kept his mate, Alpha James was his key to find her and he will make the Alpha bow down to him. 

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