Chapter 32: Irene Rose

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   After my night with Alpha Archer, I decided to head back to my room, he had walked with me to my door before bidding a goodbye, but before anything else, he gently pressed his lips to my forehead and without another left me in a state of blushes and surprise. I couldn't forget how his hand felt in mine or his lips pressing on my forehead, heck, even when we were sitting in our booth. It had gone too fast for my liking, but I had to get up nice and early tomorrow to leave back to Alpha Archer's pack. 

   Sleep never arrived until late at night when my last thought was the man who held my hand like it was the precious thing in the world.

   When I woke up the next morning, I rubbed my eyes tiredly before getting up and heading over to the bathroom to change into a comfortable attire. I had only bought clothes which I would wear for the whole day, which was a pair of light blue ripped jeans and a plain white shirt and with sneakers on my feet. To the eyes of the public, it would have looked like a normal and casual outfit, but to me, I looked horrible with the eye bags under my eyes and my hair in a messy ponytail. But, who really cared right?

  Jacob had met me at my door earlier than I expected and with a simple good morning, we walked out of the hallway and towards a mess hall where most of the people who were being treated were. They all dressed the same with the excuse of their shoes. Each one of them wore sweatpants and either a white tank top or a white shirt, the she-wolves wore high ponytails and the males kept their head untidy. I had counted that there were at least twenty males and eighteen females, all of which were not Alpha Archer. My eyes scanned the medium sized mess hall, a canteen was set up at the back of the room and the tables were in vertical rows of ten. I could spot several warriors in each corner of the room as the people in the middle had their own conversations.

  There was no Alpha Archer and for some odd reason, my stomach dropped a little bit.

  I knew Jacob knew who I was looking for, with the evident smirk playing along with his lips as he pointed ours to the person at the back of the room who sat alone while everyone chatted with other people. I caught a few wolves staring at him knowingly, some people scoffing at the lonely Alpha who didn't seem to notice and ate in silence. I gave a small frown, everyone in the hall did not want to sit next to him, they were either afraid or didn't want to sit next to an Alpha who did all the wrong things. 

  Sucking in a breath, I motioned Jacob to follow me towards him. I was going to keep him company before I leave, it was the least I could do. I few stares came towards me, some lingering down lower and back up and I rolled my eyes as a few idiotic wolves whistled in my direction which caused a growl to erupt in the mess hall. I looked over to the source of the sound, the familiar face twisting into anger as he growled at the person who whistled at me. They backed off, they were afraid of him. I gave a smile in his direction and continued to walk until I sat directly in front of him, Jacob going over to sit next to him.

   "Hey, bro. How you holding up?" he asked, slapping Alpha Archer on the back causing him to give him a small smile in return. "Alright, the food here tasted pretty shit, though," he commented whilst he twirled his spoon in his cereal. I looked at is the tray of food, there was one bowl of protein cereal, a banana and a cup of yoghurt. It didn't look too bad unless you overlook the fact that the cereal looked like brown vomit. But, it's food and you can't be picky in a place like this.

   "Good morning, I'm sure your food doesn't look too bad." I chirped politely as I eyed the yoghurt which smelt of strawberries, which were my favourite fruit. Alpha Archer seemed to understand my cravings and picked up the yoghurt and placed it in front of me, earning a questioning gaze towards him. "Eat it. I know you haven't eaten breakfast yet, besides, I don't need it anyway. The fruit and cereal are enough for me." he told me continuing to eat his cereal slowly whilst Jacob gave me a suggestive wink in my direction. I rolled my eyes and looked at the yoghurt which had a plastic spoon inside of it.

  "You need it more than I do, with all that training and your diet, you'll need the energy." I reasoned, pushing the yoghurt towards him as my stomach protested. He shook his head and pushed the yoghurt towards me whilst giving me an expression that I would lose this argument. I sighed and I gave him quiet thanks before picking up the spoon and ate the yoghurt. 

  "Can I have the banana then?" Jacob asked playfully, earning a growl from Alpha Archer and I held back a small laugh.

     With only a short amount of time before we left, I walked towards Alpha Archer who came out of a room which had a sign that read 'Therapy'. I smiled as I saw him and rushed to hug him, I breathed in his scent as he breathed in mine as we embraced each other in a desolate hallway. "How was therapy?" I asked, my face still rooted to his chest. His hands stroked my back delicately, I shivered under his touch. "It was okay. Same old questions, but different answers," he replied before unravelling his hands around my waist and I stepped back and stared into his eyes. He gave me a warm smile and bent down slowly to plant another kiss on my forehead, it tingled. 

   "I have to go soon," I told him, feeling a little squeeze in my gut as he stared at me with a slight sadness in his eyes. "I know, you'll come back to visit me right?" he questioned, I felt my cheeks heat up and I nodded slowly, earning a bright grin from his and another quick kiss on my forehead. "Don't worry, I'll be back. I promise."

   "When we have a dinner party at the mansion, you must wear the pack's signature colours. It is customary and a tradition for family members to wear a colour from the pack. The pack colours are gold and black. Naturally, girls would wear a gold dress with black accessories or vice versa. Men would wear a tux with a gold tie or badge symbolising importance. Special or important warriors will always wear white, no matter what pack they are coming from. Omegas or helpers will wear black and white. Alphas, Lunas and co, will wear their respective pack colours." Luna Lilly informed me, handing me a stack of paper on my lap. 

   The title read 'Rules for Dinners' one of the many booklets which she had given me to read a study. This booklet was four pages long and had a load of words and images which told me what to wear, how to act and so forth. I feel bad for the trees that this came out of.

  "How you must act is quite simple, you give all Lunas either a kiss her cheek or you rub each other's cheeks with your cheek. All Alphas will be greeted with a handshake if your mate permits it or just a simple greeting. Pups will be greeted with a hug or a kiss on the cheek. Warriors will be greeted with a 'hello' or state your name. You will either remain with your mate or stand by with your fellow Lunas. You must never greet an Alpha without your mate beside you, it is considered disrespectful and sluts worthy. However, if your mate less, it doesn't count." she continued as I read some sentences off of the sheet.

  I nodded as I tried to mentally take notes in my head, but it throbbed wildly the more information I took. I felt hot in all places and I felt the pull of the bond. I was sweating underneath my sweater and I almost felt dizzy. My stomach was churning violently and all I wanted was to have a cool bath, but rule number eight of the Luna Rule Book stated that 'you must wait for you to be dismissed before leaving the room in the presence of a higher position', which sucked because the person in front of me was in a higher position. 

   Everything felt hot and I really wanted to have a shower.

  Luna Lilly seemed to notice my distressed before she knelt down to my level and pressed her hand gently over my forehead. Her eyes widened at her intake of air and she rushed towards the phone on her table and dialled a number before she spoke. 

   "We need all male wolves to be ten miles away from the mansion, now.'


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