Chapter Eleven - The Encounter

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Erica walked into a cantina in the main city of Garel. She had arrived fifteen minutes ago on a residential Imperial transport a few blocks away. She rode them from planet to planet, except for the last time when she came from Raydonia. Entering and leaving Raydonia needed an ID. She didn't have one, and in the system under her name was the word deceased. It was required for citizens to have an ID. But different planets had different rules about the ways they used them. Raydonia had a massive server hack in the Imperial servers several years ago, so the Empire held their iron grip tighter on the forest world.

It was dusk and warm outside, so Erica rolled up her sleeves. The warm air clung to her face and bare hands. She was grateful for the ponytail to keep the heat off her neck, even though it was frizzy. Her bangs were still taking some getting used to. Feeling hair on her forehead was strange, and even after a few days since she had cut them.

The cantina was small, so the few tables that they had were full. Everyone else was standing around in groups. It was loud, but not so loud you couldn't hear anything else. Playing on the north wall was the Holonet News, the Imperial broadcast. As annoying as the propaganda could get, Erica still listened. Information could come from anywhere these days. Looking around the cantina, dusting didn't seem to be much of a priority. But on Garel, dust was guaranteed anywhere you went.

Looking at the people, most of them were workers. There were two Ugnaughts workers arguing over winnings as they played Sabacc near the door. A sleeping mechanic was in the corner, his hat covering his face. A purple Twi-lek was behind the counter in the back was serving drinks.

Erica sat down at one of the worn bar stools back against the wall, crossing her legs. The bartender walked up to her. Erica slid him some Credits and asked, "One caf please."

The bartender nodded and set down the glasses to take the money. He then turned to go make the drink, his long lekku swishing behind him. She didn't get cafs often, to save money, but today was a special occasion. I hope they're somewhat decent here.

Erica wanted more information about the server breakdown, but that wasn't going to happen. The customers around her seemed to be mostly mechanics. She felt her holoprojector in her pocket, making sure it was still there. The contents inside the device would help her get into the system.

The bartender came back with a cup. "Thanks," Erica said and sipped the steaming drink. The Twi-lek went back to wiping glasses. The shelves behind him had few bottles; it definitely wasn't a bar in the way of drinks.

The caf was pretty good, black and bitter with a hint of sweetness. Just the way Erica liked it. Happy birthday to me. 23 now. Huh.

The doors behind the counter opened and closed, and the bartender disappeared. He was out of glasses. Heavy footsteps and annoyed beeps came from the entrance. Erica rested her head on her hand and let the sounds fill her brain, drowning out thoughts. She needed five minutes of peace. Not sleeping much over the past few days was starting to wear her out. The last time she had several hours of decent sleep was on Lothal, where she ran into that person. It was dark outside, but he was taller than she was, and he had a strong build. She had reached out to him and didn't recognize anything. He wasn't human, and she couldn't tell what species he was. Erica pulled herself out of deep thinking so she wouldn't start meditating.

Erica started fingering her scarred wrist. She had helped him because she knew all too well what it was like when a friend died. She couldn't help everyone, but even if she could prevent one person's death, then that was enough.

Footsteps sounded behind her, and the bartender sighed when he looked up. Several other people looked over and copied his expression. Erica sensed annoyance from them.

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