Sin 12:Remiel and Muriel

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This chapter will be a little longer than the others.Now enjoy my darlings~


Muriel's P.O.V.

Heaven's entrance,the Holy Gates. That's what I protect and work for.I am one of the first Archangels.When Lucifer was cast away, I had to watch. It was in the very center of Heaven, when God used to socialize with every angel/archangel on daily basis. But Lucifer was the closets to him. They used to talk for hours to no end. Lucifer had blonde hair and grey eyes.We all Archangels used to be like a big family at the time.Everyone knew everyone and get together every nigh to share the stories of the day.They all said how they helped the humans and the thing they found interesting.All with big innocent eyes, full of curiousity and love for the word along with their creator.Me though, has always been assigned to watch the gates since I was created.I learn everything about the world for the little I read and for the stories my siblings shared.

Don't get me wrong, my work is everything to me... well, almost.To this day I haven't visit any realm including the mortal realm.In war? I have to stay here to watch for any intruders.I work all day and almost all night.In the night I can exchange for someone else and rest.

Everything in Heaven has changed, since that day.God has isolated himself completely, only Michael and a few others (including me) can see him.The angels don't get along half of how it used to be, they don't even try to.Concentrating on your family, mate and work has become the unspoken rule over here.I have seen how this has happened little by little,making me more hopeless for a new light every day.

The ones on our generation are keeping the same style though and that brings me joy.Uriel keeps being cheerful, Raphael wise,Gabriel protective and Metatron mature.A smile spreads on my lips at that,cause at least I still have some of my siblings with me.Lucifer and the others though, is another story.We haven't seen them up until now.I would however, like to see how they are once more.When they left,they took a part of Heaven with them. Especially Julian, he used to be my best friend along with Ashley and Henry.Now I miss them...

Speaking of miss,I miss him too,now hat I think about it he should be home by now.Who am I talking about?Well, I have a mate.His name is Remiel and he's a second Rank Archangel under Michael's command. He's almost out all the time on missions.Lately though, he's been acting suspicious.Rem has been out more than ever, and with more temper at that.I see him less than ever and that worries me.Cause that means there's something going on, and I bet it would not be good. Especially since he's under the others of Michael.Michael has somewhat become like our leader since God distance himself.He is very strict, but since he helped with the cast of lucifer, something changed in him.Something that has affected his way of being completely.

Something that has affected his way of being completely

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Remiel's P.O.V.

Getting out of Heaven for my missions in something that's daily on my life.My missions mostly consists of  elimination of my target or delivering messages from Michael. Speaking of those missions I'm getting near my destination.A Mansion on a specific dimension made by one of the most powerful warlocks of today.

After landing I stand up and walk upstairs to the main entrance.Slowly the butlers open the door for me, I nod and walk in.Then I proceed to walk into the office of the owner of said mansion.But,my road was obstructed by a room before the office.A room occupied for the anger of a despicable being that is known for being royalty.Brown mixed with a few waves as hair,a sculpted body with tanned skin,a pair or red eyes and an intimidating aura.You mixed those with arrogance,greed,pride, anything bad you can think of and you have the one and only Alexander Lesntrange.

He seemed to be walking towards the warlock's office,the direction I was heading to (sadly). "What are you doing here pet?" Controlling my anger towards his humiliating insult based on my loyalty towards Michael I proceed to answer as politely possible. "I'm here to give the report of Heaven." Alexander ignores me and walks to the office, opening the door without asking. 'What a gentleman' I though as I walked after him we're the warlock was on his office.

Sighing the warlock looks at us,black hair, a beard of the same color,white skin,brown eyes,add that to arrogance,sarcasm,intelligence,manipulation, tricks and you have one of the most powerful warlock's of today. "Let me guess, you are here for a report since Michael is busy-" then he looks at Alexander. "-and you are here for the heck of it." I nod and Alexander rolls his eyes and goes to serve himself some whiskey.

"I came here since that walking disappointment is up to something." "You mean your son?That being you are supposed to at least act like you care to have him in your grasp and complete our plans?" He warlock says,clearly tired of the vampires way of doing things. "Yeah, that thing. Anyway he's more secretive than usual." "He avoids you, how the fuck would you know?" "I have known him for more than 500 years, of course I would know." "Please you don't even know what's his favorite color!" "That's not my business, and there's no way I'm gonna spoil him with stupid affection like you do with that nephew of yours." "At least he tells me everything I need to know! If he founds a mate I will know,unlike yours!" "Keep talking like that and I will stop working with you." "We all need each other to get what is ours! Anyway, keep an eyes on your son, find out what he's up to." "I will do it when I can anyway." Alexander finishes while shrugging.

I was just standing there, listening to them as they interact, an hypocrite with an other.It seems that they thought of something other than themselves cause they looked my way. "What's the report?" The warlock asks. "Everything is normal." "Good, you may leave." Alexander says, making me walk out immediately.After walking out of the mansion I teleport to Heaven after cleaning my scent with magic.

Well,you all may ask how can I travel to another dimension.The answer is that I can enter cause it was made by a warlock and he let's me enter.We can't travel to other dimensions though, only artificial ones.

Also, you may ask why am I working for Michael and why I'm so loyal. Simple,when he gets what he wants,I will be able to be open with my mate. That and I will be more respected than ever before.Michael and his allies will make a better world, not God or any other of the current leaders. Besides,anyway is not like these leaders have much time left.So I will do whatever it takes for Michael to succeed.For me and Muriel, it doesn't matter if I have to lick the floor.

When I reach Heaven is already night.Since Muriel wasn't at the gates it was easier to walk into Michael's office.After a knock he gave me permission to enter, which I do. "What happened?" He asks with an serious expression.His blonde curls between his golden eyes.Michael is what you would describe as 'majestic beauty'.Even with an unhappy expression his beauty and presence stands up everywhere he goes.The current leader of the archangels and who's practically administrating Heaven. "It all went normally Sir, Alexander was present at the time too.It was,well the same as on daily basis." "Tsk, hate that blood-sucker, and that warlock, oh and don't get me started at the other one." I let myself space out after that, since it was always the same.They hate each other, yet they work together. "Anyway, you shall leave." With a nod I leave and walk to my soulmate's room.

He was standing in front of me with his arms crossed against his chest. "Where we're you!? I was worried!" "On a mission, since it was more than one target it took me more time." "You should've called back up!" "I don't need those,now I would like to take a bath." When I walk pass him he tales my wrist. "I... Remiel, just... please don't do anything stupid okay?" "Then start trusting me cause without that our relationship is bullshit."

Muriel frowns at me. "I do trust you, I have always." "Then..." I say before wrapping my arms around his neck. "How about we take a bath together? Hmm?~" After that I kiss him passionately, making him immediately lose control and grab me by my thighs.My legs automatically wrap themselves around his hips as he walks to the bathroom.It has always been like this,he's easily manipulated.Oh well, it's an advantage for me and my goal.

Muriel's P.O.V.

Why can't you tell me what's wrong Remiel?... Why...


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