Chapter 3: retailation pt 1

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My old way of writing is such easier than the middle style writing.



It's been two weeks and I've been hanging with the SOA club. Also, getting closer to jax with the protest of Gemma. "Olivia" clay called me into the board room, and I walked in nervous "don't be nervous.. We are just rewarding you with sons of anarchy vest, your a member of the gang" Clay announced and a smile slipped into my face, I promised myself never to join a gang or club ever since skull gang, but now I am.

I checked my time "shit guys I need to go I'm running late" I rushed everyone's hug as I ran out of the club house and to my bike. My boss at the cafe is gonna be pissed. I rushed down the Main Street, I am fully geared. I stopped at a red light, what caught my eye was a blue sedan slowly passing me on the other lane of traffic. Never once did I see that type of model of sedan in this town. Only Frankie my moms right hand man has that type of car, my eyes widen as I went down the road and parked, what if that was Frankie?

I took off my helmet and laid on the handlebars and locked it to it. Stepping in I apologized for being late and went straight to work. I'm a waitress at this diner cafe. "I would like.. A double decker sandwich with everything on it and a large Coke" I jotted down the customers order and went and gave it to the cook. Grabbed the tray I handed the guys food to him, and went and did about five more before my lunch break began. Walking out notice the same blue sedan two cars down from my bike.

Someone's in it, but the windows are tented. Shrugging it off I walked down a block and grabbed me sandwhich.

*hour later*

I walked out the deli and was walking back to my job, as someone came up from the alley and grabbed me. "Who the fuck are?" My voice coming off loud and demanding as the masked man looked at me, and took of his masked, Frankie!

"Hello, Olivia, long time no see!" He growled and shoved me into the wall of the building roughly my side of my face hit it and I felt blood run down my cheek. "Oh look at that, she bleeds who would of known" my eyes narrowed at his snarky remark. I quickly swiveled on my heel throwing a punch that failed as he kicked me in the gut. "Your mom sent me.." he said in my ear as he picked me "and told me to tell you," he threw me into the side of the dumpster earning a yelp "that she is watching you and that," his voice sounded like he enjoyed this. "She knows you joined the sons" with that he punched me in the face, and left.

I laid there coughing and fumbling for my phone in my SOA vest pocket. The sun is warm and bright when it should be cold and dark I found jax number "hello Olivia" his voice coming out soothing "j-jax" I coughed "Olivia what's wrong" he asked me "Frankie my moms *cough* right hand man *cough* came here he just beat me up" I stood up on my knee but winced and fell back down. "WHAT" jax shouted "where are you?!" I told him where I am at and he said he be there.

Jax pov

Who the fuck does he think he is!? Coming to charming and hurting a sons member. I grabbed my helmet and snapped it on jumping on my bike, yeah I told the club. Yeah they are pissed, but right now I need to find olivia. Going to the spot where she told me I found her leaning against the wall bloodied and bruised "hey jax" I rolled my eyes as she chuckled.

"Let's get you to the hospital" I said as I carried her to my bike and sat her in front and I scooted in and held her up as we rode to the hospital.

Olivia pov

He didn't have to stay but he insisted. "Olivia, you have a fractured rib and arm, so no riding your bike for six weeks" the doctor said and I groaned "and I mean it" he gave me a knowing look. Jax called juice to come in the truck and take me to my house next to the club. That he will get Tig down here to get my bike.

I groaned as I walked next to Jax "my bike" I mumbled and I heard a small chuckle "sorry Olivia but gotta listen to the doc" I nodded "yeah I know" we stepped out in the heat as juice drove up "thanks Jax" I said "anytime" with that juice drove off to my house, while Jax did his thing. "So what you think F being a member" juice asked "its lovely" I said as we pulled into my drive "thanks juice" I gave him a side hug and closed the truck door and went inside.

Jax pov

"Retailation" clay mentioned "yes" we said "let's payback the skull gang" I hold a hand up "we got to play it smart fellas let's not go in there half ass and half blind, you never know what could happen," I said looking around at the men "they probably suspect that we will do this and they are ready.. We need to do it in surprise, when they are not expecting it" clay nodded "yes we need to do it in surprise, but we need to do it quick" I bit my tongue he always wants to do sooner rather than later.

"We gotta be careful, clay" I said "yeah I know" we voted on doing it smarter. I walked out the board room and out the club, heading to Olivia's house.

"Retailation" Olivia said over again after i told her what our plan was "sounds good but we need to do before they strike again" she mentioned as we sipped our drink "don't let my moms warning fool you" she stated my eyebrow shot up "what you mean" I questioned curious "what I mean is. The fact she sent Frankie as a warning yeah he beat me up, but that's not the worse she can do. She can send the whole gang after us in matter of days in fact I bet she will, and bet we only have 6 days to fight" she said crossing her arms.

Olivia pov

"The fact she could is the reason we need to do this sooner rather than later" I said and jax opened his mouth "yes I know smarter careful. But we only have 6 days if not 8 I'm pushing it if we have 8 days. She likes to make her killings quick and over with, no evidence no witnesses" I said "yeah but what if she is giving us two weeks" Jax said and I chuckled.

"That's idealistic Jax, she ain't like that. I've been in that gang you know this," he nodded "she will not let us sleep knowing she didn't get us the first time" I got up and slipped my shoes on "come outside let me show you something" I said getting his attention. We walked outside to the box I left unpacked, I dug through it and grabbed my black book "this the book of all the dealings, killings, and laundering we did" I handed him the book "it shows how long we give them" he flipped open the book and read the pages.

"Wow okay" he said coming to the conclusion that I am right "we can't let her know we are coming, we can't let her know we know she is coming" I stuffed the book back into the box "she doesn't even know of the black book, we can't let her know. If she does find out then she'll come at us with her side gang that she has dealings with" I mentioned "the greens. They are the well known street gangs in the state of Ohio" we walked back inside "so we need this retailation sooner" I said as he nodded.

We agreed on sooner than later, two days from now we are doing it. I yawned and went to bed wincing a little from the rib, but going to sleep nonetheless.


Retailation part 2 will be the next chapter. This is a long one so enjoy.

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Have a wonderful day or night.

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