Chapter 1: arriving in charming

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Hey guys sorry for the wait, and this is a newer version of soa

So I hope you enjoy


I was a former skull gang, well I was rudely kicked out. For nothing I done. I stopped at a red light ten miles before charming. Ten miles before I can start anew. My cbr 1000rr which is white and blue is running low on gas, I need to find a station soon.

My heart beat skipped when a car sped around me. "Fucking bitch" I mumbled in my helmet as I turned into a gas station. People need to be more respectful. I fueled up and rode off again. My mom is the leader of the skull gang, so she found me fucking some dude from another gang gave me a warning, then the next thing I know she kicked me out ripped me of my badges and reputation.

I saw the sign for charming one mile, one mile until I can start anew. I let out a breath as I pulled into the apartment I got the other day. Loading off and getting my duffel back off the back I walked in, I know it's next to the sons of anarchy, but whatever.

Unpacking I went out and looked around "gross" I gagged when I saw a condom in my yard "disgusting" I grabbed a stick and picked it up and dumped in the trash outside. It was used. I decided to go around my yard to clean up if there is any trash. I had picked up three more used condoms, two beer bottles, and four chip bags. Damn who is using this yard.

"Hey" I jumped "sorry" I turned to see a gorgeous blonde hair man standinfdb in front of me "it's fine and hey" I said shaking his hand "I see your new here" he said "my names jax I'm with the SOA" he said jabbing a thumb in the clubs direction. "Names Olivia I'm from Ohio former skull gang" I said with a small eye roll as I walked past him dumping the trash. "Why former?" He asked standing next to me, as I took a small turn to face him "because my mom is the leader and she rudely kicked me out because of some lie Daryl said" I blew out air after I finished.

"What was the lie?" He asked getting awefully nosy "that I was giving intel to the Feds" I said resting my hands on my hips "well she sounds like a bitch" I chuckled "she is" "Jax!" We heard a guy say and we looked "coming tig" Jax said "bye Olivia!" He winked and walked away with the tig guy.

Hmm he cute tho damn wish jax could stay longer. I walked inside and cleaned the inside thoroughly. After, I was done I at my dinner and went for a ride. I passed the sons of anarchy, I saw jax standing there loading up. I turned down the road next to it and road down there, yeah I know about the niners and the mayans, we had run ins with them. I had my gun strapped to my hip in its holster.

I stopped abruptly when I saw a girl being dragged into an alley, I sped up and stopped near it and got off grabbed my gun and flicked on the flashlight that was on it. I jumped into the alley, shit mayans. "GET OFF OF HER!" I yelled catching their attention. "Oh lookie here it's Olivia" one of them said and i aimed my gun at him "step away from the girl" I said the girl scurried away.

They started walking near me "don't do it I will shoot," I said "like the last time" they stopped moving as they remembered I shot and killed one of them. They turned and left. I loaded back up and headed back home, thinking that was enough excitement for the night. When I got back I put the kick stand down and saw a note on my door. "What is this?" I thought snatching the paper off the door.

"Thank you for saving me.. I owe you one."

Aw I small thank you note from the girl. I unlocked my door and stepped in, and locking it behind me. Did a quick search of my apartment. Got out of my skinny jeans and long sleeve into short sleeve and shorts. I ate a quick snack, and headed to my bedroom. My phone beeped and I looked at it, it was from here so I answered "hello" my voice cane off small and alarmed. "It's just me jax" I calmed instantly.

"What's up" I asked "I saw a girl come to your apartment and tapped a note to it, what happened?" He asked me and I explained "so you've have run ins with the mayans and niners" he said "yup"  then i went on to explain how I had run ins with them. Basically, the mayans had drug deals with my former gang but I would cheap them of their drugs, and they caught on.

We talked now with a normal conversation before I had to go to bed. I yawned once I put the phone on charge. I laid down and stretched and fell asleep.


I know it's a little short, but tell me what y'all think of it anyways.

I would like the feedback, but it better not be hate.

Have a good day or night! Be safe be nice be humble

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