Poisoned And A Kiss

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( 6 In The Morning )

( Blake's Pov )

It was almost 6 in the morning and I felt Silver tossing and turning in the blanket groaning . I sat up from the bed to see what was the matter I gently touched her left shoulder when she yells "S: OUCH !! " I retreated my hand away from her and saw her holding her shoulder tightly in her sleep . Once she let go if her shoulder I gently turned her so that she was laying back on her back . I slowly opened one of the pajama buttons and moved it off he left shoulder to see it was bandaged and it was slightly purple too . I didn't want to mess with it any longer so I pulled her shirt back up and closed the button back up once that was done I felt her head . It was getting really worm and not in a good way . So I quietly got up and woke my team mates .

( Time Skip )

Once all of team Rwbys was awake Blake asked Ruby and Weiss to get the nurse and fast . As they waited for Ruby and Weiss to return with the school nurse Yang got a cold wash cloth and placed it on her for head . " Y: geez that's one heck of a fever she's got there . " " B: Yang I don't think its just a fever there must be something else causing it . " " Y: well what ever it is I hope its nothing too serious . "

( Blake's pov )

When Ruby and Weiss came back with the nurse she slowly examined Silver . " Nwell judging by her fever and her irregular breathing and sweeting . It seems to me that she is suffering from a type of toxin in her blood . " " Ra toxin ? " " N: yes but this one seems to be caused by some sort of animal or maybe a type of food poisoning . " After she was done cheking her heath she slowly unrapped the bandage on her left shoulder . Once it was off the nurse started panicking " N: oh my goodness I have to call the doctor this is more serious than I thought ! " The nurse got out her phone and started to call the doctor while me and my team see that her left shoulder had a very bad bite mark on it .

The mark on her shoulder was turning purple and it was spreading to

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The mark on her shoulder was turning purple and it was spreading to . " Nthe doctor said that he's sending a medical team to come take her to the hospital . "

( Time Skip )

Once the medical team took Silver to the hospital team Rwbys and team Jnpr where sitting in the waiting room for the doctor to come with the news . After four hours of waiting the doctor came out and walked towards them . " B: how is she ? " Blake asked " D: She's doing fine we managed to stop the poison from spreading but ...... " " Pyou don't have an antidote for it . " Pyrrha said " D: no I'm afraid not . The poison that's in her shoulder is not like anything we've seen before . " " W: well if its not a normal poison from a animal it could be from something else like a- ! " " RBY/JNPR: GRIMM !!! " they shouted " W: but what kind of grimm that's the real question ? " they thought for a minuet and then Blake spoke " B: the two holes on Silver's shoulder did look similar to the bites that come from snakes . " then out of know where the doctor shouted " D: THATS IT !!! " and then he ran off into Silver's room .

( Time Skip )

( Blake's Pov )

We had waited for about seven hours for the doctor to come back and my team and team Jnpr where asleep in there sets . Once he did he had a smile on his face and walked over to me "B: how is she ? " I asked and was scared to find out what his answer was going to be . "D: She's doing fine now . We managed to get all that grimm venom out of her and she's sleeping in room 307 . You can go and visit her if you like . " "B: I will and thank you for all that you could do for her . " " D: its not a problem I am a doctor after all its my duty . " When we where finished talking I walked to 307 where Silver was in .

( Time Skip Morning )

( Silver's Pov )

It was so very quiet and peaceful and I didn't feel a burning pain anymore in my shoulder . I slowly opened my eyes to see where I am . The place I was in was white and it smelled weird to but then it hit me I was in the hospital .

I slowly sat up on the hospital bed and once I did I heard the sound of the bed sheet moving next to me

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I slowly sat up on the hospital bed and once I did I heard the sound of the bed sheet moving next to me . When I looked down I saw Blake's head laying on the bed with her arms crossed asleep . She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping and sometimes when she's asleep her ears start to twitch .

As I continue to look at her I gently started petting her head and once I did she started to wake up

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As I continue to look at her I gently started petting her head and once I did she started to wake up . "S: morning sleepy head . " I said and then out of know where she jolted up and hugged me like there was no tomorrow . I then felt a few tears falling on my shoulder "S: Blake ? " " B: thank goodness your alright ..." I heard her say as she hugged me tighter and didn't let me go . It was like I would disappear from her arms if she did . "S: B-Blake your hugging me to tight .." I said and she let me go only to look at me with worried and a hint of anger in her eyes " B: Do you know how worried all of us where ?! We thought you weren't going to make it ?! And I cant bear to lose you ! Not agai-! " Blake didn't get to finish her sentence because I cut her off with a kiss .

( Play Video )

When Silver kissed Blake she didn't push Silver away but pulled her closer to her she soon felt Silver's fluffy white cat tail rapping around her black tail . After the lack of air became a problem the both pulled away and just stared at each other . " S: I'm not going anywhere anymore Blake . " Silver said and hugged Blake and she hugged Silver back " B: do you promise ? " " S: yes I Silver Winter promise never to leave you and stay by your side threw think and thin . " " B: that's good to hear . " she said and they stayed like that for a while and not letting each other go..........

( To Be Continued )

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