My Super Man <3

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My name is Sophie. Sophie Dabrezz. But most of my friend's just call me So. I know! Its weird. But :)

Anyway, I'm 17 year's old and I live in Wisconsin. I love to swim in the ocean and all the other thing's I can't do in Wisconsin. :/ But! This summer I'm moving! To California! I don't know why, but I think my mom got a job their. My mom is kinda an drunk :/ But! I'm helping her get through it!

So its finally the day that were moving! I'm so excited I think I''m gonna puke! But! I don't :) So we get on the plain and their's this super hottie sitting next to me ;) I get super nervous and my hand's get kinda sweaty but I just put in my headphone's and close my eyes. Music is my favorite thing ever. Its so relaxing.

Suddenly, the hottie touch's my arm. I looked over at him and smiled. He smile's back. I never notice how his hair is like sand and looks really cool :)

When the plain land's, I look for my mom. I think shes behind me but I can't see her. The hottie put's his hand on my forehand and it calm's me.

,Are you looking for you're mom? asked the hottie. :) I smile's and nod's.

,They're she is. He says and I looked to see him pointing to a really old lady in grey hair :/

,Thats not my mom. I tells him. He shrugs and we get's of the plain.


to be comtinue's!!!11!1!1!!! :d

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