Start again 1

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The sun shone over Oruan, it was midday. The bright lavender walls of the school made it very lovely.

The host club we discussing a few club activities that could be done.
That's when Edward pushed both the doors open. He appeared puffed as if he had been running. His hair was a mess. But alas he had a grin on his face.

" Good news everyone, WHERE GOING TO AMESTRIS!!!" He yelled fist pumping into the air.

~ ten minutes earlier.

The principal sat at his desk, the eldest Elric on the other side. Edward nervously shifted in his leather chair.

" You wanted to see me sir?" Ed asked in his soft voice.

The principal nodded as he pushed his glasses up his nose more.
" I want to propose something. I would like some of our best and brightest students to see your country. I have already spoken with your current furër, Olivia Armstrong. She has approved it. I would like too see your country through a child's eyes. An innocents eyes".

" Are you asking me if I would guide them?" add asked getting straight to the point.

" Yes".

" Who will be coming?".

" I would like Haruhi Fujioka, Tamaki Suoh, Kyoya Otori, Mizkuni Honeybozuka, Takashi Morinozuka, Hikarou and Karou Hitachiin and You and your brother too come. Oh and I will also like Ritsu Kasanoda to come as well".


Honey jumped up with joy.
" YAY".

Tamaki looked up to Edward.
" What a wonderful idea!".

(in a skip because in lazy)

~Third point pov

The whole host club with the additional Kasanoda sat on a Amestris style train. They were crossing the last part of desert before entering Amestris.
The Elric family sat adjacent to them.
Unfortunately Mustang and Hawkeye could not come with them. Because they had been banned from the country dew to new laws being put in place.

" So Edward, tell us, what's your home country look like?" Tamaki asked.

Edward looked up from fiddling with his state Alchemist watch.
" Well for one its not as advanced as Tokyo, but it has it's perks. You'll see when you get there. We'll leave it as a surprise".

" You'll love it there, we will visit our home town, see Briggs. You guys will enjoy it" Alphonse piped up.

The train suddenly stopped, they were now at the train station. They had gotten to the middle of Amestris. Central city.

Everyone was slowly piling off, the group waited for everyone else to get off before leaving. Otherwise there would be to much pushing.
Alphonse glanced out the window, bored.

" Alphonse!" A loud girly voice called out.

The host club and extras looked up at the sounds Tamaki had an especially confused expression on his face.

" Renge?" I quietly asked.

Alphonse jumped out the of trains window once he saw who it was. Edward was about to tell his brother off for making a sense by jumping out the window.
But then he saw who it was.

"May!" Alphonse called out.

The two hugged each other. Shao May now sat on the top of Al's head.

Edward smiled happily, he was happy for his brother. He had finally found someone. Wether they would get together was another question.

Everyone filled off the train.
" So..Were to now?" Kasanoda asked.

Winry smiled carrying Maes.
" We're checking into the hotel and settling down,then the fun starts tomorrow".


Sorry it's really short I'll start writing the next one now.  

Ouran in Amestris DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now