Back To Camp Half-Blood

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Erin Jackson stood looking up at Camp Half-Blood. After finishing her second year at Hogwarts, she was transported to here as soon as she left platform 9 and 3/4. She took a deep breath sticking her wand into her pants and pulled her shirt over it, not wanting anyone to see it. It's not that they don't know she is a witch, because they all do, Chiron had told everyone that she was a witch on her last week before school started again, and if being a daughter of Poseidon didn't freaked them all out, telling them i was a witch with magical powers did the trick. Everyone expect Percy, Grover and Annabeth who were the only ones that were okay with it, probably because they found out earlier.

Erin took a deep breath before walking up the hill dragging her school trunk with her, past Thalia's tree and into Camp Half-Blood. She walked past the big house and the VolleyBall courts, a few campers and satyr's had stopped playing and watched her as she past them. Finally she reached the cabins, she walked past all of the other cabins, she saw a few faces she recognized. Like Travis and Conner Stoll, they were outside the Apollo cabin, up to no good for sure, Travis had turned towards her and waved. Erin smiled back waving also, she saw Clarisse La Rue, a mean tough looking girl daughter of Ares, she didn't wave, all she did was glare at her. Erin finally reached her cabin and stepped inside.

She took a deep breath and smelt the air, it smelt like the sea. She put her school trunk at the end of her bed, she opened the trunk before shuffling through a few things before pulling out a photo.

"Aha" Erin exclaimed, closing the trunk. She looked at the photo, it was a photo of her, Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, her three best friends at Hogwarts. Erin remember telling Percy just before she left at the end of the summer last year, that she hoped that this school year would be a quiet one. Boy was she wrong, it all started with a diary, which just happen to hold a younger memory of You-Know-Who, he had drained Ginny Weasley and almost killed her, and at the same time giant ass snake was slithering through pipes and petrifying people which almost got the school shut down, but luckily Harry had saved the day by saving Ginny and killing the Basilisk.

Erin placed the photo on the wall next to her bed before sticking it into place with a sticking charm. She stood back watching the moving photo with a smile on her face, oh how much she missed them. Erin then heard the Conch shell, she hesitated thinking maybe she should just skip dinner but then her stomach growled and she realized that she hasn't had anything to eat since she was on the train leaving Hogwarts. She turned away from the photo and walked out the door. She walked over to the pavilion, Erin could feel peoples staring holes at the back of her head but she held her head high and pretended to not notice. As Erin sat down at them empty table she glanced at the head table expecting to see Chiron but instead she saw someone she has never seen before. This man was pale and incredibly thin, dirty fingernails and badly cut grey hair, he was wearing a orange jumpsuit, something a prisoner would normally wear in prison.

"Emma Jensen" A cruel voice said next to the stranger, Erin rolled her eyes and held back a groan.

"Its Erin jackson sir" she spat out, Mr. D also known as Dionysus, the God of Wine. Mr. D had always been horrible to her but what camper has he ever been nice too,

"Yes, Yes" Mr. D said waving his hand ignoring her comment, he then turned to the stranger who had been staring at Erin, his eyes, his eyes made Erin shiver under his glare, his eyes held all different emotions, hungry, angry and frustrated.

"This one, keep a eye on her, trouble maker this one is" Mr. D stated, "Poseidon's child, and also a witch"

"Ah, yes! that one" the man said, his tone made it seem like him and Mr. D had already talked about her before.

"I am Tantalus" He said, his eyes still not leaving her, "here on a special assignment, and now Pandora Jackson" Erin cringed as he said her real name,

"I expect no more trouble this summer" Erin was surprised at this.

"Sorry... trouble did you say" she asked fist clenched,

"Yes trouble, i know what you and your brother had caused last summer and i expect none of it this summer" He said, at that moment a satyr placed a plate of food in front of Mr. D and Tantalus. Hesitantly Tantalus grabbed his fork and tried to stab a piece of carrot but just before he could do it the carrot seemed to jump away from him, Tantalus huffed in annoyance and tried again, but again this time the carrot jumped away.

"Ah well maybe next time" Mr. D said, not looking like he cared at all,

"Where's Chiron" Erin asked,

"He has been fired" Tantalus stated, Erin gaped at this.

"What!" she cried, "why!"

"He was unfit to take care of this camp" Mr. D said, Erin wanted to argue, she knew the Chiron is not unfit for this camp but Erin knew arguing would do nothing so she sat down at her table and stared at the food in front of her. She knew why the carrot on Tantalus plate had jumped away from him, he was the spirit from the field of punishment, he stands in the middle of a lake underneath a fruit tree but unable to eat or drink, meaning he must of done something real bad to get that punishment.

Like everyone else Erin places the best part of her food into the fire for the Gods, before sitting back down. Erin turned to Tantalus catching his eye, before slipping some steak into her mouth not breaking eye contact, Erin lets out the most over exaggerating moan. If looks could kill Tantalus would have killed her, she took her cup that was filled with pumpkin juice (her favorite beverage at Hogwarts) and taking a large gulp, Erin sent Tantalus a cheeky smile and turning away before he would throw something at her. Erin then turned to the Athena table searching for Annabeth, but Annabeth was nowhere to be seen. Erin frowned wondering where her friend could possibly be, Erin's eyes then met Clarissa, she had not taken a liking for both Erin and Percy, for multiple reasons which consist of toilet water and her father Area himself. But Erin needed to ask someone what the hell was going on but she has a feeling no one would want to talk to her right now, but Erin knew Clarissa would never be scared of her.

Erin sent her a we need to talk later look, Clarissa knew what she was talking about and nodded before turning back to her half-brothers and half-sisters. After Dinner Erin met up with Clarissa in the middle of where the cabins were,

"What happened" Erin asked as soon as Clarissa was next to her,

"Thalia's Tree"

"What about it"

"Look at it" Erin rolled her eyes before casting her gaze to Thalia's Tree, Thalia's tree once was strong and healthy but now its needles her yellow, loads of dead ones laid underneath it, how had she not noticed to before. Erin let out a gasp,

"What happened"

"Someone poisoned it" Clarissa flinched as she said that,

"Does that mean-"

"It means the borders are failing, anything can get in" Erin took a while to respond, she was speechless,

"What does that have to do with Chiron" she asked the older girl, Clarissa shrugged

"The Gods need someone to blame, so they blamed Chiron thinking he isn't right for this job" Clarissa said, "Now Jackson i have to go patrol duty" and with that Clarissa left her standing there in shock, when Erin finally got her self together she walked into her cabin and flopped onto her bed.

"Great... just great" she groaned before pulling the covers over her and falling into a deep sleep. 

Hey Guys!! I am Back

I am so sorry for not posting in like forever!

I will try to post about every 2nd week

I am so happy for reaching 5.4K reads, Thank you so much!

I love you guys


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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