The Elevator

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I do NOT own Glee if I did Klaine would have had a lot more scenes and it would still be on the air. Hope you enjoy!

(Kurt's P.O.V)

It's been twenty minutes since we have been stuck in this elevator and I am sweating. Kurt, you look like you are sweating a waterfall over there it's okay to take off a few layers I mean there is nothing I haven't seen before Blaine says softly. What would Dave think? I think he will understand besides we are just friends. Okay, I say I as I take off my sweater. Do you want a bottle of water? Blaine asks. No Thank you but I have a question if that's okay. Sure but Kurt you need to stay hydrated Blaine says concerned. Why don't we just kiss to get out of here? Kurt asks. because Kurt that would be cheating and I'm not doing that to Dave. You didn't mind doing it to me, Kurt says getting angry. you know I instantly regretted it and I can't do that do to anybody again. SO I WAS AN EXCEPTION YOU THOUGHT HEY WHY NOT CHEAT ON KURT THATS OKAY BUT WHEN IT COMES TO THE PERSON WHO TORTURED AND THREATENED HIS LIFE ITS NOT RIGHT TO CHEAT! I'm sorry I cheated Blaine says sounding defeated. I'm sorry I yelled at you its just I am sweating and this room is small. No your right I shouldn't have cheated but can I be honest Blaine says looking Kurt straight in the eyes. (Blaine's P.O.V) You can tell me anything Blaine Kurt says smiling softly. I don't love Dave to be honest I was trying to find a love as great as our was but to be honest I have been trying to find ways to break it off for weeks and I'm sorry for dating him Blaine says when he suddenly feels Kurt's lips on his he is shocked and freezes for a second before he starts kissing him back. Blaine notices the spark which is still there. Blaine licks Kurt's bottom lip asking for entrance and Kurt opens his mouth. He pulls away and goes to take off Kurt's shirt when the elevator doors open they both look at each other and grab their stuff and run to the school's doors and notice its raining. They both laugh and run to Blaine's car when Blaine stops and randomly starts singing Teenage Dream. Blaine grabs Kurt's hand and starts dancing. What are you doing Kurt says laughing. Dancing with my one true love. They dance for what seems like hours when Blaine kisses Kurt and explains he broke up with Dave a day earlier and was just scared to kiss Kurt earlier. Kurt climbs in the passenger seat of Blaine's car. Let's go to your apartment and catch up on lost time Kurt says winking. Sounds good to me Blaine says getting in the driver's seat and leaning over to kiss Kurt.

Tell me what you think this is my first Glee fan fiction. Feel to comment suggestions for the next one shot and I will try to update at least once a week but if not it's because of school but i will not go two weeks without updating.

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