Always Be There For You

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I do NOT own Glee I wish I did though :(                                                                           A/N This is set when Kurt broke up with Blaine in season 6 

(Tina's P.O.V) I am worried about Blaine he won't come out of his room since he got back to Ohio after Kurt broke his heart 3 weeks ago so I decide to call Sam. Blaine has been his room for weeks and refuses to come out can you come talk to him, Sam? Why me Tina can't you do it I'm not good at this stuff. Because Sam you're his best friend and you got him to stay at McKinley after he cheated on Kurt. I will try I'm on my way. After I hang up I go and knock on Blaine's door and hear a muffled What. Blaine sweetie you need to come eat. I don't wanna Tina it hurts so much. I know come on at least let me in. No go away. After an hour of trying to get Blaine to come out I hear a knock at the door. Thank God you're here Sam he won't listen to a word I say I say as I open the door. Okay I will go talk to him.                                                                                                                                     (Sam's P.O.V) Hey Blaine what's up bro. What are you doing here Sam. I came to talk to you now get up and get a shower. No I don't feel like getting up. I didn't want to have to do this but get up or I'm calling Kurt. You wouldn't dare. Test me Blaine. Okay, I'm up Sam jeez you don't have to be so mean. Now get a shower we are going out to eat. Fine I will be out in a minute. I wait for Blaine go downstairs to invite Tina to go with us. Thirty minutes later he comes back out in a sweater vest and bright blue pants without hair gel and a bow tie.                                                              (Blaine's P.O.V)Where is your bow tie and hair gel Blaine Tina asks. I shrug I didn't feel like wearing it. Are you okay do you have a fever?Sam asks checking his temperature. I'm fine I just didn't feel like putting them on today now let's go guys. Okay I guess where do you want to eat Blaine? Tina asks softly. Let's just go to Panda Chinese Buffet. Sounds good to me bro. Let's go I will drive and no Sam,Blaine gets the passenger side. Fine he can have it. Guys thank you for getting me out of my room. Sure thing bro. Of course Blaine. We finally get there and I get out and tell Tina and Sam to hurry i'm hungry. We walk and I immediately notice Rachel and Kurt are here. Just my luck I'm going home to cry guys. No Blaine show him you don't need him your strong. I can't I do need him Tina he is my life and I will never love anyone else. Hey guys,Rachel calls. Great I think. Hey I say as I walk towards her how are you guys. Good I guess Kurt replies. Great Can I ask you a question  Rachel replies. Sure Rach what's up. Where is your hair gel and bow tie? I don't know I didn't feel like wearing it.                                                                                                          (Kurt's P.O.V) I barely listen to the conversation Rachel and Blaine are having something about the New Directions set list I think but I can't stop staring at Blaine and his ungelled hair. I wonder if he notices God I hope not that would be so embarrassing. I remember I used to force him not to gel his hair because I like his hair without it. It is easier to play with and he loved when I did he said it was worth the sacrifice. I used to love to run my fingers through his hair. KURT I heard someone yell.  As I stop daydreaming I see Tina yelling at me. What Jeez I say slightly annoyed. How dare she interrupt my daydream. I need to talk to you outside. Okay fine let's go. I can almost swear I see Blaine glare at her. Whats up Tina. Why did you break up with Blaine I'm not trying to be mean but I know you love him. It was a mistake and I immediately regretted it. Then you need to tell Blaine, he locked himself in his room for weeks after the break up and wouldn't eat. WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME He said he would never forgive me and that hurt like someone had stabbed me. He didn't want me to call you. I know but I can't stand to think I did that to him besides it must be bad if he didn't wear a bow tie or hair gel. Go talk to him. I will just not now. We ahead back inside and eat. When I drop Rachel off I head to Blaine's house to talk to him. I knock on the door and when Blaine answers he gasps. What are you doing here, Kurt Is everything okay? He asks. No everything's not okay have you looked in a mirror your eyes have dark rings under them and your hair looks like it hasn't been brushed in days. Thanks for the compliment He says sarcastically. It's just i'm worried about you Blaine. No need i'm fine. Yes because you totally look fine but I didn't come here to fight I came to apologize I just freaked out about the wedding and lashed out I'm so sorry. It's okay I forgive you I'm sorry i reacted like I did.  I am seriously worried about you let me cook dinner. Okay fine Blaine replies smiling. I can't let the love of my life starve can I now?  Wait what, Blaine says curious. Kurt comes and kisses Blaine and Blaine kisses back they both feel the fireworks they have always felt. Kurt smiles and wraps his arms around Blaine's neck and Blaine puts his hands on Blaine's waist. Kurt pulls away and says I will always be here for you. I will always love you to Fearlessly and Forever Kurt. Who knows maybe they will have an happy ending Kurt thought.

Thank you guys hope you enjoyed this was much longer tell me if it was too long. Comment suggestions and thoughts Love you guys,                                                                                                                                                                        NerdyFanGirl

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