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Hey guys  I do NOT own Glee                                                                                                       This is set in Shooting Star where the first thing Blaine does is text Kurt who just happens to be visiting his dad in Ohio but Blaine doesn't know this and there is an actual shooter. 

(Mr. Shue's P.O.V)                                                                                                                                                                      Okay guys we have a special guest at glee practice today, Coach Beiste. Hey guys glad I can be here. BANG BANG. What was that Mr. Shue? Kitty asks. A gunshot, everyone under the tables now hurry and be quiet. I lock the door and turn off the lights and sit down. Is everyone okay I whisper. Everyone murmurs yeses and i think sos. I get under a table and remember Brittany is in the bathroom and I pray she and Emma are okay.                                                                                            (Blaine's P.O.V)  I sit beside the piano on the floor next to Sam and get my phone out. The first thing I want to do is text Kurt I need him to know i'm sorry for everything i have done to him. I text him and say Dear Kurt, I know you don't want to hear from me but I need you to know i'm sorry for everything I have done to you and that I will always love you, I had to tell you in case I don't make it out of here and send it. I hope he gets it and reads it. I think about all the things I never got to do and will probably never get to do like marry Kurt and then I start to cry.                                   (Kurt's P.O.V) I'm at my dad's house waiting for him to get ready to go eat so I turn on the news when my phone vibrates. I look at the text from Blaine so I read it."Dear Kurt, I know you don't want to hear from me but I need you to know i'm sorry for everything I have done to you and that I will always love you, I had to tell you in case I don't make it out of here." What does that mean I look at the tv when I see that there is a shooting at McKinnley so I write a note to my dad saying there is an emergency so i'm going out. I drive to McKinnley and see Mr. Figgins outside I run to him and ask if Blaine has come out and he says no. I run past him to the doors to get stopped by a police officer. Let me go in the love of my life is in there please. I'm sorry Mister, nobody is allowed to go in there.  An hour later the police gives it the all clear so I go in and head towards the Choir room when I see Blaine walk towards me and I smile with relief when I hear footsteps and I turn around see the shooter with the gun pointed towards me. I see Blaine jump in front of me right as he pulls the trigger. Blaine collapses to the ground and the shooter runs out where the cops catch him. I fall to the ground and hold Blaine in my arms and see red all over my hands and shirt and I start crying as the ambulance comes and takes Blaine I demand to ride in the ambulance and they let me.                                                                                                                 (Blaine's P.O.V) The last thing I remember is hearing the all clear so I ran out the door and saw Kurt. I smiled and ran to him and then I saw the shooter so I jumped in front of him then I felt pain and everything went black and the last thing I saw was Kurt's beautiful face.            

Should I make a part 2 or leave it like this? Thanks for reading,I hope you enjoyed it! Please like and comment.                         

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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