Chapter 4

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A/N: Woot! Chapter 4 already ^.^, here we’ll find out who the mysterious person was that saved little Zaynie, and see if any of you were right.

But first, the dedication, this dedication goes to @ZDsmiles cause her comments are always the best and make me smile, and I love her so dearly <333, love you Di xx

Anywhoo, let’s get on with the chapter, shall we? Enjoy :) x

Zayn woke up with a major headache, like someone was inside of his head and just kept on pounding his brain over and over again. He blinked a couple of times before his vision was no longer blurry. He was inside some room, but it wasn't his and Niall's, or any part of his house, actually.

His memory was a bit hazy, all he remembers is Niall hitting him in the head with a pot and throwing him outside for ruining the soup, everything else was pretty much a blur.

He could hear someone humming a tune and singing here and there down the hall, he carefully got up, almost collapsing the moment he set his feet on the ground, but quickly gained his composure and slowly walked down the hallway.

There was a tall, lanky figure cooking something on the stove, he had curly brown hair and had the tightest jeans Zayn thinks he’s ever seen.

Where the hell was he?

The man turned around and smiled, green eyes and dimples showing, “Wow, you’re finally up, took you long enough,” he set the table and served some pancakes. “Have a seat and eat some breakfast.”

Zayn warily sat down and eyed the man, “How long have I been here…?”

He grinned and sat down across from Zayn, “Hmm, ‘bout three days, gave me quite the scare there, mate, thought I was gonna have to call an ambulance for you.”

His eyes widened, “Three days?! What? Didn’t N—... someone come looking for me?”

“You mean your shitty boyfriend? Nah, he didn’t,” he spoke with a mouth full of food, he practically moaned, “I’m amazing at this cooking thing.”

Zayn slowly began to eat, it was pretty good. “He’s not a shitty boyfriend, he's actually my fiancé, but… He just has a drinking problem.”

The man swallowed and wiped his mouth before he began speaking, “Is that what you tell yourself to make it all okay? He gave you a concussion for crying out loud.”

He touched his head only to find it bandaged, he didn’t realize it was that bad, he shook his head, “Whatever, doesn’t matter, who are you?”

“Name’s Harry, but you can call me Harry,” Harry said.

“Um, okay… I’m Zayn, uh, where am I?”

Harry looked at him as if it was plainly obvious, “In my house, duh, did he really hit you that hard?”

Zayn rolled his eyes, “I meant like exact location, am I still in the same town I live in? Or did you take me away to Narnia during the 3 days I was unconscious?”

“Listen, Zee, mind if I call you Zee? I’m gonna call you Zee. I don’t know what kind of lies the people of this world have been telling you, but there’s no such thing as Narnia, I deeply apologize for having to break the news to you,” Harry said.

He huffed in aggravation, “I was being sarcastic, just… Where the hell am I?”

Harry chuckled, “Deep in the woods where no one will hear your screams,”

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