Chapter 9

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A/N: So there’s this cute little Ziam video that had me mentally and verbally squealing (I know it’s annoying, but I can’t help it when it’s Ziam) and here it is:

So you guys can check that out if you want to, and yeah.

Sorry this update came a bit late, I was indecisive about the order in which the events that are going to happen should go in and yeah… (I say ‘and yeah’ a lot).

Dedication goes to @ZaynJPayne because she actually read this horrid fic and voted for it and her writing is absolutely magnificent and she’s such a sweetheart and I want to hug her, haha, love you Sahar <333 x

Enjoy xx


Zayn could feel the panic within himself rise as he re-read Liam’s text over and over again. He dropped his phone, stood up, and began to pace back and forth in Harry’s living room.

Harry only rolled his eyes and picked up Zayn’s phone, reading the message; a small smile formed on his face when he finished.

“Why are you smiling?! This is no time to smile!” Zayn exclaimed as he stopped pacing and grabbed his hair in agony.

“I don’t see the problem here; you love Liam, too, so…” Harry trailed off, he wasn’t going to lie, Zayn flipping out about Liam and Niall was getting annoying, the answer was so simple.

As if he read Harry’s mind, Zayn glared at him and sat on the other side of the room away from him. “This isn’t easy for me, okay? So, stop pretending like you know everything because you don’t.”

“What’s not easy about it, Zayn?” He frowned, feeling disappointed in Zayn for not realizing who he should be with. “Liam loves you, that’s it.”

“Niall is still my—”

“Forget about that, dammit!” Harry yelled, the frustration already seeping in and getting to him. “Niall isn’t involved, so stop thinking about him, alright? It’s about time you start thinking for yourself, or even for Liam! Liam loves you, that’s it, Liam and you. He loves you, what’s your response? Stop complicating things.”

Zayn groaned and walked over to his phone and grabbed it, he stared at it for a bit before he buried his face in his hands and pulled on his hair. “I’m scared,” he whispered.

Harry patted his lap and began to run his hand through Zayn’s hair when Zayn laid down and placed his head on Harry’s lap. “I’m going to sound extremely cheesy, but just stop thinking so much, follow your heart.”

He closed his eyes for a second, letting Harry run his hands through his hair and relax him for a bit until he nodded and sent a text to Liam.

7:40 pm: to Li :) x

this is gonna sound rlly crazy & im not sure what this means or where its gonna take us but… i think i might love you too…

Zayn actually smiled to himself when he sent it, it felt right, and it made him so happy, all that mattered was Liam, and that was completely fine by him because all that mattered to Liam was Zayn.

He got up and took a deep breath knowing what this meant for him and Niall. “Thank you, Harry, you probably saved my life.”

“Aw,” Harry squealed as he pulled Zayn into a hug. “No need to be so over dramatic, but it’s no problem, Zee, anything for my friend.” He smiled and pulled away staring at Zayn for a bit before ruffling his hair. “And don’t worry, knowing Liam he’d probably beat the crap out of Niall before Niall even touched you.”

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