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Aerie Haruno was waiting outside Lady Tsuande's office. She had been called there early in the morning for a mission. It was so early in the morning that Aerie was having trouble keeping her bright green eyes open. She had just gotten back from another mission late last night. Even though it was a simple scouting mission, it still was just too early for her. To keep herself awake, Aerie begins to pace back and forth in front of Lady Tsuande's door. She could hear her mumbling to the other ninja in her office. Finally, Aerie was called in. She walks up to Lady Tsuande's desk and waits to be told what to do.

"How was the scouting last night, Aerie?" Lady Tsuande asked, still looking down at some papers laying in front of her.

''Good, there was no strange activity,'' Aerie reported.

''Good, good. Now I know that scouting is not your favorite, but I need you to go out and do it again, but this time on the western side.''

Aerie nods her head.

''Good, that is all.''

And with that Aerie walks out. Lady Tsuande was right. She hated scouting. It was boring and lonely. Sometimes she wished she could sneak someone to come along with her, but she doesn't because everyone else is busy, and everyone hates scouting as well. As Aerie is walking out of the building, she smiles and waves to a few people as she passes by them. Every now and then she would stop to chat for a moment to a friend. Once she had said goodbye to someone, she heads to the west gate. Just when she arrives at the western gate, she spots Naruto and Sakura. Waving to them, she jogs over to them.

"Hey guys!'' Aerie says.

''Hey Aerie!'' Naruto answers.

''Hey, sis,'' Sakura smiles.

''What are you guys doing?'' Aerie askes, seeing that they had picked some gear to go on a trip.

''You know, the same old stuff...'' Naruto trails off glancing at the ground with his blue eyes.

''We're going out to look for Sasuke again,'' Sakura states looking at Naruto with sad eyes.

''Oh...I was just going out to do some more scouting,'' Aerie tells them, hoping that hearing that someone else had a sucky mission too would cheer them up a little. It didn't. They just give her a weary smile, as if to say that it was a sucky mission, but their's was way worse. And it was. "I was hoping you guys would have been free to go with me, but I guess not.''

''Sorry about that," Naruto tells her.

''Hey, don't worry about it. I hope you guys find him this time. See ya...'' Aerie says as she walks off toward the forest to start her scouting.

I really wish they would just find him already... Aerie thinks to herself as she starts to jog deep into the forest.

As Aerie is moving from tree to tree, her thoughts begin to wonder. It had been at least 3 years since she last saw Sasuke. Now they were 17 years old. And they all had their own fighting style, clothing style, personality, likes and dislikes. Aerie knows that she has changed in the last 3 years. Had Sasuke also? Most likely. How was he different now than he was before? Was he colder than before?

Aerie lands on the ground to take a second to clear her wondering thoughts. And also so that she won't bang into a tree because she was zoning out, thinking about Sasuke. She leans her back against a tree to rest for a moment. She had covered almost 200 miles already. She didn't realize how much time had passed. Whenever she would let her thoughts wonder she always lost track of time. Maybe this was why Tsuande wanted her on scouting, because she moved so fast. But she only moved that fast when she was zoned out or fighting.

Aerie sighs as she pushes herself off the tree and starts walking. Just as she takes a few steps, the ground under her gives way. Aerie gasps as she falls. She falls for a good 50 feet before slamming down on her side, into the ground. Aerie struggles to suck in some air into her lungs that had just been crushed by her own body weight. Once she had caught her breath, Aerie groans as she rolls over, onto her back to look up to see where she fell from. She places her hand in front of her face to block the bright sunlight that was coming through the hole above her. The hole above her was way to far to toss a rope up and climb out.

Slowly sitting up, Aerie dusts off the dirt form her clothes. She looks around her and sees that she is in a tunnel. As she stands up, lamps on the sides on the walls light up with fire. Aerie freezes, but there was no one there, but her. Frowning at herself for falling down a hole, she heads down the tunnel to see where it leads. With any luck it would lead to an opening so she can get out.

As she goes farther down the tunnel, doors start to appear along the walls. Hoping, that one will lead to the way out, Aerie begins to open them. She opens one, but it is just an empty room. A few more rooms are empty. Until, Aerie comes to a room that looks like someone was living in it. There is a bed, a desk, and books. Aerie slowly walks in the room to look around, leaving the door behind her open. As she walks around the tiny room, she stops to look through the books. Then suddenly, the door behind her slams shut with a loud bang. Gasping and jolting from the loud sound, Aerie turns around to see a man with crazy red hair and yellow eyes standing in front of the door.

The Untold Love Story Part 1: The Secret Bond (Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now