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"Why don't we go out tonight, sweetheart?"

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"Why don't we go out tonight, sweetheart?"

Kat was shocked. Her mind went blank, she didn't know what to say. Although this man was a bully - and a violent one at that -  he was undeniably handsome. She didn't answer, him clearly thinking that was a weakness and acted on that.

"Well, darling, what do you say? You, me, a drive-thru movie at midnight?" He whispered, his finger reaching up to Kat's hair, gently twirling a strand around his fingertip.

Kat's senses finally returned to her body, slowly snatching Ace's hand from her hair. "No thank you, I have standards."

"I know, I just happen to be your standards but you won't admit that."

"You're so full of yourself, aren't you!?" She snapped, pushing her hand on his chest, shoving him away. 

"You love it really," Ace grinned, holding his arms up in mock surrender. 

"No, I really don't," Kat began to walk away in the direction that Chris and Gordie rushed away in. 

"Sure you do, not a single girl can resist a man attempting to win her heart," Ace called out to her, smirking as he saw he stop in her tracks. 

Twisting around in her spot, Kat's jaw was set ajr. "Excuse me?"

He grinned. "What?"

"You want to 'win my heart'?" Kat felt her heart skip a beat, as her eyes flickered across his face.

"Well, sure who wouldn't want a hot babe like you," Ace laughed with Eyeball.

"Well, I guess you just lucked out," Kat seethed, twirling around once again. 

He stopped smiling, watching as Kat walked away once again. Acting on a whim, Ace ran after, grabbing her arm and twirling her around, her landing into his chest momentarily. "Jesus! Can't you just take a god damn compliment or is that not acceptable for a rich kid like you!" He snapped.

"No, I can take a compliment. Just not from a brat like you. All you want is to get in my pants. Well, I have more dignity than that!" Kat fumed. 

He loosened his grip on Kat's arm but instead slid his other around her waist, securing her frame against his. Pulling her closer, Ace wore an innocent expression on his face. "You're beautiful when you're mad," He grinned.

"I'm not as easy as you think, Merrill,"

"I know, I love it" he grinned.

They didn't notice at first but with every word we exchanged, their face would lean closer further. And further. And further. Until their noses were mere centimetres apart. Ace's hot breath fanned Kat face as hers fanned his. There was a moment of silence as they stared at each other. In Kat's thoughts, it was like a staring contest and whoever blinked first showed a vulnerability and the one who didn't would be the winner. Ace blinked first and she smiled triumphantly. 

Before the two grew any closer, a cough broke the deathly silence.


Ace snapped his head towards Eyeball, "What?" he seethed.

"We need to go, man. This broad can wait, can't she?"

"Why don't you just shut the fuck up or piss off!"

"I ain't going nowhere," Eyeball stated with his arms crossed over his chest. 

Ace returned his gaze back to me, giving me a long and confusing stare. He smirked about what was going through his head. "I'll pick you up here at 6," he began walking away with his friend.

"Excuse me?" she shouted after him. He turned back to Kat but carried on walking backwards.

"I'm. Taking. You. On. A. Date." He pronounced, with a smirk. 

Kat rolled her eyes but her lips twitched upwards. Only twitched.

"What if I have plans?"

Before he rounded the corner, he shouted over his shoulder. "Then cancel them." 

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