Ice Hockey

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(Y/N) pov
I am a 15 year old that lives in Ontario, Canada my whole life. I'm an athletic person and as you guessed it, my favorite sport it ice hockey.

My dad and I always use to practice on the weekends. Sometimes after school when I didn't have homework. He would teach me  techniques like he did with my older brother.

My brother plays for the high school Ice hockey team and recently he told me a new guy join the team. I wonder if he's good because my brother also told me he used to play soccer. I'm mean playing on the ice and playing on the soiled grown is completely two different things.

I always go to my brothers game and there is one coming up this Friday. I wonder if they'll let the new guy play.

Friday comes and I'm sitting down with with my dad waiting for the game to start. I asked my dad what number is the new kid (I think his name is Shawn) and he told me number eight. I thought it was just a coincidence since my jersey number is eight (that number has a lot of meaning to me).

They game finally starts and I see my brother moving the puck around with his stick trying to get a goal. He makes it in as always. I'm stop being surprised that he always makes a goal because he's is REALLY GOOD at this game. I mean really good. He got multiple scholarships to play ice hockey for several colleges (yup he's a senior).

The 3rd quarter of this game starts and I see the coach putting Shawn in to play. Every thing was going well, but then every time Shawn was the only one open, they wouldn't pass it to him and when they would the other teams steals right away.

The team gets mad at him, but I could see my brother telling them to back off and it's okay. That was my brother. He never liked seeing people brought down and if he sees or hears something negative, he always tries to fix it. I'm glad I can call him my brother.

The game ended and my hs team won. After every game we (the team and me) always go eat at a restaurant and go bowling after. That was a tradition.

Since dad left, I was waiting for my brother out in the parking lot. As I was listening to music with my headphones on, someone came up behind me and jumped on my back. I immediately scream but then I heard some guys laughing and another guy saying relax. Of course it was my brother.

"Ready to go guys?" I asked. Then my brother said..."yea but before we go, I would like you to meet our new teammate; Shawn" point a guy right behind him.

I stuck out my hand to greet him and he did the same."Hi Shawn,my name is (Y/N)". He looked like he saw a ghost. All the guys and I chuckled and headed into separate cars. Since my brother's car only had two seats, I was the only one that drove with him.

The night was fun and all of us learned more about Shawn. Some guys looked like they didn't want him there and I could have sworn two guys were saying "he can't play at all". "Yea I know he sucks". That got me mad. Like can you back off its his first time playing. The night was over and we all went home. 

It was the same every game my brother had. Shawn would play and no one would pass the puck to him except my brother. And he wouldn't make a goal because the other team took the ball. I felt bad for him.

My brother told me that Shawn was considering leaving the team. He knew that my brother and the coach were the only ones I wanted him in the team. Now all I felt was guilty even though I didn't do anything.

I was waiting for my dad at a ice-skating rink we always go to for practice. Right when I put my skates on, I got a text from my dad saying he won't make it today. But since I had my skates on might as well go ice skating.

As I got on the ice, I quickly noticed Shawn and his dad practicing shooting goals and passing the puck to each other.

I went up to him and greeted his father and him. "Hi Shawn, Mr.Mendes".

"Hi (Y/N), what are you doing here?" Shawn asked.

"I always come here to practice with my dad. Since he won't be coming today, I'm just skating around. What are you guys doing here?" 

Shawn replied "my dad is helping me practice. I don't know, like I don't mind playing ice hockey and I like it, but the guys don't like me and that just makes me not want to play".

I felt sorry for him. I was about to say something, but Shawn's dad interrupted me by telling Shawn they have to end practice early since he got a call from work.

"Ok, well see you at school (Y/N)" he turns around and starts to leave.

"WAIT SHAWN!" I screamed. With that Shawn turned around looking kind of confused. "What's up" is all he said.

"Don't go just yet. Let me help you practice. If you want" I said and Shawn had this huge smile on his face.

"I would love that". After that, I started teaching him techniques for about two hours. Then we left to go home.

We did this every week and every week I would see more progress. Sometimes my brother would come and help us, but he said I'm good at helping him all by myself.

Every game he would get better and better. He would be making more goals than anyone on the team.

I was proud of him and so was his family. I was never going to give up on him. He always thanked me at the end of every game and I started having feelings for him since we been hanging out a lot.

He told me at one practice that he might wants to make music in the future. I could totally see that happening (I told him). All he did was smiling at me.

The team made it to the championship game and won. And it was mostly because of my brother and Shawn, but I was proud that everyone tried their best. I was soo happy, some people and I started running on the rink.

I saw my brother and hugged him. I was really proud of him. He was too. It was his final game in high school and he was leaving in a good note. After I was done with my brother, I spotted Shawn running to me and I did the same.

He picked me up and twirled me around. "You did it Shawn! I knew you could do it" started tearing up. I was really proud of him.

"We did it" is all he said then he kissed me.

Out of nowhere confetti started coming down and everyone screamed even louder. Shawn and I chuckled. Everything was going perfect.  

The whole team had a party for their win. Everyone was having the time of their lives and Shawn asked me to be his girlfriend (of course I said yes lol).

The school year was over and my brother and some of his teammates graduated high school. Summer was fun since I hanged out with everyone I loved.

Another school year came and me and Shawn were walking inside holding hands. After the championship game coach asked him to be the new captain of the team since my brother was graduating high school. He gladly said yes and nothing could be more perfect.

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