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(Y/N) pov
"Mom do we really have to move!" I said almost crying. I lived in New York My whole life and I'm glad I live there.

But during the summer before my freshman year of high school, my mom told me that we might move.

I thought she meant somewhere else in the state. Not another country in North America! (I know it's in the same continent).

I was mad because I have a lot of friends here in New York and we couldn't wait to start high school together. Now that can't happen because I'm moving to Canada.

Like I don't know why I'm still angry. Nothing I say will change my parent's mind. The only reason we are moving to Canada is because my dads company will be located there.

...already moved and it's (Y/N) first day of high school...

"You will be fine honey, don't be afraid it's only high school" my mom said while I was getting out of the car. Then I said "I know it's just sucks that I don't know anyone here".

"I know honey. Just be out there, everyone loves confidence". I chuckled, "thanks mom see u later". "Love you"  after my mom said that she left for work. My dad left early because he needed to finish some last minute work.

As I walk in the school, I see 4 lines to pick up our schedules. As I walk on the freshman line I was getting nervous. I saw everyone talking to each other. So many people knew each other and here I am. The new student.

"You're new here?" a girl behind me asked. "Y-yes I am. My name is (y/n)" We put our hands out and we shook hands. "Hi and welcome my name is Aaliyah Mendes" (and yes Aaliyah is in high school with Shawn at the same time).

"Nice to meet you Aaliyah" after I said that I heard the teacher yell next and it was my turn. As I got my schedule I waited for Aaliyah to get hers.

We looked at each other's schedules to see if we have any classes together. Which we did! I'm happy! Aaliyah seemed really nice and I'm beginning to feel less nervous since she's around.

Every class Aaliyah and I had, there was no assigned seats so we always sat next to each other and at lunch too. Once the bell rang signaling that school was over, we walked fast out of school.

It was a good first day of school and I made a  friend. When we were outside, I got a text from mom saying she will be late to pick me up and to start walking home.

I didn't know how to go home, so I showed Aaliyah my address and she told me that she lives around the corner. I got even more happy that my new friend lives really close cause that means we can hangout anytime we want too.

Friday comes and Aaliyah asked me if I wanted to come over her house after school for a sleepover. Of course I said yes!  After school while we were walking home, we were talking about how fun it's going to be at the camping trip for the whole school set for next Thursday.

The teachers told us every year, the whole school goes on a camping trip for a couple of days so we can all get to know each other better.

While we were in our pjs and eating a lot of munchies, Aaliyah asked how was it like living in New York. I told that it may seem like a small state but there is so many things to do...and to eat.

We laugh and enjoyed the rest of the day. Around 11 pm there was a knock on the Aaliyah's bedroom door and she shouted come in.

Next thing I knew was a teenage guy over 6ft tall standing at the door. He was really cute.

"Hey Aaliyah. As you can see I just came home and if you need anything I will be watching tv downstairs" the guy said.

"k Shawn, thanks for letting me know" Aaliyah said and he left closing the bedroom door. Aaliyah caught me still looking at the door and chuckled.

"That's my older brother,Shawn. He's a junior". I felt my cheeks getting red and I don't know why.

When I went home Sunday afternoon, I couldn't stop thinking about Shawn and he was literally the only thing I was thinking of in and out of school.

When it was Thursday morning, the whole school was outside ready to go to the camping trip. There was multiple coach buses since we obviously all can't fit in one. In my bus everyone sat with their friends. When I was about to sit next to Aaliyah this girl cut in front in me and took my spot.

This girl was Aaliyah's lab partner from science class and her friends couldn't make it to the trip. So she sat next to Aaliyah but I didn't care that much since I was the only one left standing and I had a bench to myself ( hope you get what I mean 👌🏻😴)

I made myself comfortable, but then I felt a tap on my leg. I opened my eyes and saw Shawn was right in front of me.

"Can I sit here?" He asked. I didn't say anything. I just smiled and moved myself to the window seat so he can sit down. He told me he was the last person in the bus but there was no more seats and so they made him come in this bus.

The whole two hour ride the location, Shawn and I were talking nonstop. We had so many things in common it was crazy.


I arrived home on Sunday night, and it was now Monday morning. Aaliyah and I were coming out of our first class when I saw Shawn leaning against the lockers waiting for me. Yes I mean me!

During camping Shawn and I were partnered up (you know, to get to know each other better) and on the last night he told me he had some feelings for me since the first day he saw and me.

I told him I felt the same way and he asked me if I wanted to go out sometimes. Obviously I said yes. Who would say no to Shawn?😜

So now he would literally walk me to all my classes and hold my books for me. I told him I don't mind holding my books but he insisted. He's so cute when he does that.

Shawn would also my hand and I honestly would get butterflies in my stomach when he would that.

As for Aaliyah, she told me she didn't mind me and Shawn going out. In fact she told me she knew we had a huge crush on each other ,but didn't want to say anything and figure it out ourselves.

I'm so glad I met and became best friends  with her. She was that type of person everyone should have in there lives. And because of her I would never really know who Shawn was.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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