Club Camino pt.1

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                                                       Leigh-anne's pov

                   I groaned loudly flopping onto my bed. It has been such a looong day today especially with getting tackled down to the ground by two over crazy fans that literally cut some of my hair off and ran off giggling.All the girls were laughing at my pissed off face, Perrie even compared it to the time when a girl came out of now where and yanked out a piece of her hair and ran away.

              ''You okay Leigh,'' a soft voice was heard from the side of me along with the bed dipping. I looked from my pillow to see Jesy sitting cross-legged with a frown upon her face, ''Yea I am..why do you ask?" ''Well for starters you've been up here for about 20 minutes, also ever since this seem to be drifting away-like your eyes will just observe everything in a room then just focus on one thing right after," she explained looking at me. I sighed getting up and sat up against the head board, ''I'm sorry Jesy..It's just I have a lot of things on my min-" ''Is it because of Jordan?," she asked interrupting me. ''No!," I said rather quickly, '' It's wouldn't understand," I said sadly looking down at my lap hoping to that this would end. ''Maybe if you told me Leigh...I would understand," She said softly lifting up my chin so I could meet her eyes. I groaned internallymi, I can't tell her I might have a crush on Zayn ! It will screw up EVERYTHING...but maybe I can tell Jesy and she'll just keep it her self and not tell anyone...I hope. ''You're doing it again," she chuckled making me blush. ''Anywhore....So about what's wrong with you, is it a crush, secret admirer, or did something bad happen and it constantly keeps playing in your head??," She asked with a bit of eagerness in her voice as she too sat up against the head board and held my hand in a comforting way. I bit my upper lip contemplating again or whether or not tell her....I decided to tell her. I looked strait at Jesy our eyes interlocking and spilled it out, ''I haveacrushonzayn," I said in one breath. Jesy stared at me, ''Ok all I heard from that sentence was I, crush, and I'm assuming you have a crush on zaynie?'' I nodded me head slowly before breaking eye contact. ''Wonderful!," She said happily clamping her hands together and getting up from my bed stretching. ''W-what do you mean 'wonderful'?," I asked getting up from the bed too and standing in front of her. ''Leigh it's a crush sweetie...It's not like you feel in love with him and want to have his babies," she shrugged. I couldn't but grin widely, leave it to Jesy to make you feel better :) ! ''Lets go downstairs the boys are waiting for us along with girls," Jesy said linking our arms together as we walked down the stairs.

        As soon as we walked into the living room, a way to familiar Doncaster accent fillied my ears, ''YOU FUCKING CHEATER!! I DEMAND A 'RE-DO, THERE IS NO WAY YOU BEATED ME!" ''Geez Louis some of us rather not go deaf before the age of sixty," I complained unhooking my arm from Jesy and rubbing my ringing ears that sounded as if of church bells were ringing all around. ''Leigh-anne you're awake !!, "an Irish screamed hugging me from behind making me groan. "Niall don't yell Leigh-anne just complained about Louis doing it,'' Liam scolded from where he was seated on the ground next to red-faced Louis. ''Whoops sorry aha,'' Niall said grabbing my hand and pulling me to one of my couches so we could sit. ''Are you ok?'' ''Hmm'', I looked to my left to see Harry with concerned look upon his face, "Ya im good so wassup?,'' I asked cocking my head to the side. ''Nothing about the girl that stole a clump of your hair,'' He asked a smile forming oh his plump lips as his eyes squinted in a teasing way. ''Its not funny Styles,'' I spat out crossing my arms. "You're right Leigh-anne it isn't funny.....ITS HILARIOUS BAHAHAHA!!.'' I glared at the laughing idiot [louis] while biting the inside of my cheek hard enough to leave a bruise. I then looked at Niall and Harry who were both trying to inhibit their laughs. ''The three of you are idiots,'' I said rolling my eyes at them before I remembered something, ''Wait a sec...where's Zayn and perrie?,'' I asked looking around for the two.''They're still on their date,''Liam said with a wave of his hand. ''It's getting late y'know," Isaid looking out the window as the sky was already darkening. ''Yea well Zayn said that Perrie wanted to keep the date going,that the night is young and....yea some shit I guess," Liam answered once again turning to face me fully.

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