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Becuase petal is so overpowed, she had to go through about 4 diffrent updates. her seeds originaly healed alies. But now that she was nerfed, it only gives nockback. Petal exells at junggling, her minions do most of te work so all you realy need to do is stay safe. Petal will definatly win krul in a 1v1, she can kill people with low hp with ease and excape with ease. Bacicly, dont mess with petal.

Build 1(ability power)

Early game (lvl 1-3)

-Crystal Bit

-Energy battery

-Halcyon potion

Mid game (lvl 4-6)

-Shaterglass (or close to getting it)

-Sprint boots

-Crytalbit x2

-Eye of harvest

-Reflex block

Full build


-Halcyon Chargers

-Eye of harvest


-Broken Myth



When petal is has most of her build, she can play extreamy agresively. By useing her second ability she can cactch up to feeing ennimies dealing x2 damage becase of her passive. Shaterglass helps with minions dealing more damage. Petal seems to run out of manna quick due to her minions dieing and the truouble of planting new seeds to make up for it. Halcyon chargers will provide energy and Eye of harvest will provide energy steal. Frost burn will slow eneimes if pursuing them. Broken myth is good for magic penitration. 


Petal is good at flanking and suprising enimies. With a decent team, petal can bacicly get an ace anytime. Plant seeds durring battle, this will help if petal's minions die. The seeds will atomaticly pop up and you wont have to worry about not having any damage. By planting seeds while running away, you can knock ennimies back, at the same time dealing minion damage. ( if your still trying to ace). Petal is a relitively easy chrachter to play, I do recomend that you avoid stuns and makesure to wach your flanks. When closerange heroes attack use your ult. This will damage enimies and it will also heal yourself, usieng her ulti to kill fleeing heroes will be hard becuase f the time it takes to  explode/ it also has a .5 second delay... Again, if you can play petal good, then you will win the game no doupt. If your vs petel, then hope that their petel is inexperienced or try to mess up their junggle early game.

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