Thanks and Credit

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Well then.

That was an adventure, for me, for you, and for Robin and his world.

Thank you so very much for reading this! Whether I asked you to or not, I appreciate it all the same. Now, there are many thank you's due, so let's thank some people!

Thanks so much to Rinmaru Games for helping me to design characters. Behind the Name also was a tremendous help for generating some fabulous name ideas. Much gratitude is thrown in the direction of these various Musicians on the internet for keeping me entertained and inspiring me. Thanks to SharaX, Groundbreaking, NateWantsToBattle, The Living Tombstone, Caravan Palace, Chaos Chaos, Toby Fox, The Great Anansi, and Green Day, because the only playlist I listened to while writing this was composed of these people's music. Yep, when I like a playlist I really like a playlist. Thank you to Wikipedia for random things I needed to know, and some that I just learned because. A big thanks goes to Merriam Webster for definitions, because I have to check my big words sometimes. Thanks to these guys for helping me help Nessa and Robin perform an exorcism; Wikihow, Weekly World News, and Ask Men. Much colorful thanks is thrown to Color Wheel Pro for color identification. Thanks to the Tripod site of Australian Slang for making Charlie sound a bit more like an Aussie. Thanks to Voodoo Doughnuts for giving me some comedic inspiration. Thanks to my family for the support, and the tough love. I wouldn't have finished this without it! And thanks to you, whatever random person you are reading this. I hope that you enjoyed my adventure in writing as much as you enjoyed Robin and Nessa's. If you didn't enjoy a part, please! Give me feedback and criticism. I most definitely need it. Have a wonderful day, and don't get possessed by random evil demons who want to create worlds to destroy them. It's no fun. Just ask Mrs. Griffin.

I will try to write a few more of these, but I will not be cranking one of these out every two months, because this was super stressful. If you did enjoy it tell me, so that I'll know if I need to continue!  

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