January 16th, 2017

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This day, five years ago, my amazingly brave grandfather passed away. I just want a little tribute to him, because I miss him so much. If you don't want to cry, don't read. I'm crying now as I type this.

Dear Poppy,

It's me, Olivia, your favorite of the grandchildren (probably not.) I miss you. It's been five years. Mimi cried tonight, a lot. Mama tried to change the subject, but she kept crying. She misses you, we all do. I only got to know you for nine years, but that was enough to know that you were so brave. You took us on a cruise, had a house built when my dad left us. You did everything. Why did you have to go? Are you proud of me? Am I doing good? Are you building a mansion for me up in heaven? Mama says you are. A great big mansion. 

I'll never forget the times I'd come over and you'd be there, watching Spongebob, waiting for me to walk in. I'll never forget you making cube steak, because it was my favorite. I'll never forget you getting onto me because I got "Mickey D's." I'll never forget you chasing me with the newspaper. I'll never forget, being nine years old, running into the house, throwing my things down and trying to wake you up, only to find out that you died. You're gone, and it hurts.

When my dad left, you became my father figure. I didn't have one, and you stepped up. And now you're gone. How did you feel when my dad took me? Did you want to go kill him? Were you there every step of the way? Are you still there?

I miss you so much, Poppy. I want you to come back. I'm not the same. I'm not the innocent little girl you left behind. I'm so different, and I don't like it. I want you back.

I love you so much, Poppy. Thank you for being strong and loving me and my mama and my Mimi.


Olivia Haley Martin                         

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