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When Victoria opened the door I shook, I was so scared, my body had gone ridged and my mouth dry as a desert.

She guided me through a corridor and made sure I was sitting on a small rock bench, in a dimly lit room. It's as if it's supposed to be a waiting room, there was a desk that was bright blood red at the other end of the room. She walked behind the desk and disappeared.

A fierce looking lady sat pressing the keys on a typewriter furiously, every 5 seconds or so she looked and then up at me and then she would type some more.
It was quite intimidating honestly, she was young, about 20, her long hair seemed to float around her, it was ocean green. Her ears...almost elf like they are, though being small and slim she looked strong, like a fighter, her skin was porcelain white and her eyes sat perfectly, a captivating grass green. Her ears were bountiful of piercings all having something to do with green or silver.

The elf like goddess that sat before me stole another glance until she finally called my name.

" Saige Martin"


"Follow me"

My body refused to move and I refused to let it move.
She instantly saw my nonmoving reaction, everything almost calm about her turned into an angry storm.
Her eyes went a dark moss green.
Her hair retailed and zipped around her head like furious snakes.
She gave me a cold stare and I felt my body involuntary move to stand.

My limbs felt ridged,I felt sick, my ears were ringing.
I eventually gave in started to walk in my own command, the woman relaxed slightly and watched me walk towards her like the timid little bunny I am.

"Follow me" She spoke and promptly and turned on her heel.
She lead me towards the door that Vicky had darted behind previously, on the other side was what seemed to be a labyrinth of corridors.
She kept going in the black kitten heels that looked extremely uncomfortable, her blue button down shirt was tight but not nearly as tight as the tiny, short, micro black pencil skirt.

"My name is Mint." She said after a minute of silence and brisk walking.

"Oh ok, my name-"

"I know what your name is" she cut me off smoothly.
Her hair continued to float in midair around her.
"Right" I said unsurely "were are we going?" I queried.

" Hall of Lucifer to meet Lucifer himself, I am his receptionist, and all will be explained soon."

Finally we turned another right and ended up at ANOTHER door! Have these people heard of opened planned living?

All that aside, I was feeling the extreme of fear, I was so scared that I didn't feel scared anymore.
You know when your so scared you start going crazy? Yeah that's me....
I straightened my back and brushed my hair behind my ears.
Mint looked over.

" Don't try and fix yourself up...Your just going to make it worse " She narrowed her eyes and open the bug lit door.

On the other side of the door, was a giant hall It reminded me of a movie I used to watch over and over again.
The roof instead of being covered in stars it was as if it was covered in flames.
The tables instead of being sorted into groups for specific people were all grouped together, facing the back of the hall with had 3 throne like chairs.
Sitting in the throne like chair in the middle was a tall broad man.
Unsurprisingly he had two grand red horns ontop of his slightly fraying head.
He had dark eyes and everything about him seemed menacing.
But the most noticeable thing was his veins, they were all pure black.

" Saige Martin" the man spoke and narrowed his red eyes, and when u say red eye I didn't mean he looks like he hasn't slept in a while, I mean his eyes were all blood red and seemed to glow.

" y-y-y-y-yes" I stuttered in utter fear.

" do you know why your here?"
"Obviously not" I narrowed my eyes at the man.
"Do you know who I am?"
" Again.....obviously not...."

If he breaks into song I'm gonna barf.

" Im the Devil"

Devil EyesWhere stories live. Discover now