NEW BOOK + DRM2 plans

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okay literally i logged onto this old account again (almost forgot the password that would be bad) and theres a whole 10-part draft for a whole nother minecraft book that i never published??? it has art on almost every chapter and everything and the arts like really detailed???? i completely forgot i ever wrote this but im going to post it as compensation for leaving everyone in the dark for so long. unlike drm2 and all the minecraft anime parodies this one seems genuine and sincere. i think i had put a lot of hard work into this one.

no sorry im just posting all the stuff that was there when i logged on here

Dangan Ronpa Minecraft 2 Plans
although im considering the end of the first drm book to be the end of the canon series, and declaring that DRM2 is not canonat all, theres some plans i had for the book i rember that id like to share in case youd like to hear them

•The thing that herobrine takes out of Bodil's poket at the end of the first DRM was a key enchanted with a dark magic that would posess the first person to touch the doorknob to the fromt door of the mansion. this person would be the DRM protagonist, Tyler, who gets posessed by the dark magic that Herobrine now controls. He becomes Herobrine's evil assistant/puppet, and is the "Mastermind" of DRM2 until whoever's still alive saves him somehow with hope or whatever. There was a drawing i did where there was a shadow behind a curtain or something- that was a teaser for mastermind tyler.

This one is still canon in DRM because he was always my favorite chatracter and i think its fitting. AlterSorcerer is NOT an AI. he's SetoSorcerer himself. Seto was prepared for the worst, so he created AlterSorcerer to let him live on even if he ended up dying in the mansion. AlterSorcerer is a split piece of Seto's soul, like a horcrux from harry potter kind of? Alter has all of Seto's memories and knowledge but keeps up the fake clueless attitude because if Herobrine finds out that Seto technically cheated and is still alive, he will be punished. if anyone were to know Alter was actually the real Seto it would probably be Brice but he too keeps the secret

•Bodil also made an AI but im not sure if its the real deal or maybe just an illusion herobrine makes to scare the survivors of DRM2? But similar to how in the original Dangan Ronpa 2 an AI of Junko (the mastermind from the first game) appears in the final trial with the survivors, there was gonna be a holigram bodil like there was with altersorcerer. his name was alterbodil and he was pink

•brice was gonna die in the first DRM but it wasnt even fun herobrine just kills him on the spot because he defies him or something

ok thats all i got i hope you enjoyed those and i hope you enjoy the new book although its unfinished forever

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