Chapter 10: Reluctant Agreement

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Reluctant Agreement

"Allochka! The baby is crying again and you're going to be late for school!"

"Crap," I muttered, quickly grabbing my backpack and rushing out of my room with my wet hair in an already fallen out bun.

I hurried down the stairs, pushing past Cole on the way.

"Hey," he whined. "Just because the baby is getting on everyone's nerves doesn't mean you have to too."

"Piss off Cole!" I hissed, grabbing a cinnamon roll from the top of the stove and the baby carriage. Normally I was already at school, but I slept through my alarm and I refused to talk to Valerie until fourth period. I still wasn't over what happened Friday afternoon. Surely she couldn't have found out why I was hiding from her, or more likely what I was hiding. Every girl is entitled to a secret, and this one was mine.

Tyshaeisha was still crying, and my mom suddenly stepped in front of me, blocking my way.

"What, mom?" I asked exasperatedly.

"Make the baby stop crying first and then you can leave," she said stiffly, crossing her arms.

"Mom! You were the one saying I was going to be late and now you want me to stay?" I groaned and put the carriage on the couch so I could inspect Tyshaeisha.

I found nothing until I remembered that I had forgotten to feed her over an hour ago.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed, "You've got to be kidding me!"

I quickly stood up and ran to the kitchen where I grabbed one of her baby bottles, pouring in milk Cole had left out.

"I drank out of the carton," he burped, stretching his arms as he sat at the kitchen table.

"It's a robot. It won't catch herpes from you," I said heatedly, jogging back to Tyshaeisha and popping the bottle into her mouth.

Instantly she was quiet, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Now I could go to school.

"Bye mom, Cole!" I called out as I walked outside.

Yet as I was almost out the door, I bumped the baby carriage and my cinnamon roll plopped onto the ground.

"Awh, come on, really!" I cried out, staring at it.

Heaving a sigh, I kicked it to the grass and shut the door behind me. Today was not going to be a good day.

I walked to the sidewalk, where I spotted Tyler open his garage door and step into a Nissan. He backed out of his driveway, seeing me as he was about to pull out onto the street.

"You need a ride?" he asked as he rolled down the window.

"Shouldn't you be at school?" I questioned. He was never home this late on a school morning.

"Shouldn't you?" he shot back.

I frowned, about to answer when he snorted.

"Get in. I'm taking you to school."


"Come on. I have food too, four pop tarts."

Reluctantly, against my pride and judgement, I got in on the passenger side, holding the carriage on my lap. Tyler pulled onto the street and began driving, handing me a poptart pack.

"Knowing you, you didn't eat breakfast because you're this late," Tyler remarked, taking a bite of his own poptart.

"I was going to!" I objected, opening the wrapper.

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