Chapter 1

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I've been getting used to the house lately. It's pretty cool, but I liked staying in my room. 

I heard tapping on my window. I turned my head to see Ayato tapping at the window. I went over and opened the window.

Ayato crawled in.



"We got to go out into the forest."


"Because I want to go and Touka's taking a bath."

Ayato and I would always wander out into the forest. It had became a daily thing to be honest.

"Okay. Come on let's go." I said grabbing in his hand

We went out the window and traveled outback.

End of P.O.V

Nakano begins to walk to the door of her now gone daughter.

"Kasumi  I made you a snack," she said knocking on the door

There was no response.


Nakano finally opened the door and she saw that Kasumi wasn't there.

Nakano knew the drill from her daughter by now. She knew how she would run off with Ayato to god knows where and come back unharm.

"Kuro she's out again." she said with a sweet grin on her face

"Well there's nothing we can do now." Kuro said

Kasumi's P.O.V

We went very far out. Thinking of it we could've got hurt. 

"Hey look a pond!" Ayato pointed out

We ran to the pond. It looked so pretty. It was amazing.

I stuck my hand in the water. It was very cold at the time.

Ayato threw a rock into the water.

"Why did you do that?" I asked

"Just some rock skipping. It didn't really work for me."

"What's the fun in that?"

He didn't know what to say after that.

We were just at silence until I saw something sticking out of the ground. It was wiggling. I pulled it out to reveal a worm. Ayato will like icky stuff like this.

"Hey Ayato look!" I said showing him the worm

Ayato jumped back and said ew.

What the heck is wrong with him? I thought.

"Kasumi get that thing away from me." he cried

He was such a big baby. 

I should get on his nerves. I thought

I then shoved the worm in his face.

"What's wrong Ayato?He just wants a hug." I said

"Kasumi stop playing." he said trying to push me away from him

I wasn't giving up though. I kept shoving it in his face until I pushed him back. When I pushed him, he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me down with him.

I dangled the worm in front of him face.

"I dare you to eat it Ayato." I said

"No." he said closing his mouth and turning his head

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